Brad Warden / Music / Hymn Chords / Japanese


214. ああうれしわが身も


Db                 Gb       Db
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! 

               Ab7      Eb7      Ab
O, what a fore-taste of glory di-vine! 

Db                 Gb          Db
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,

Db          Gb   Ebm7 Ab7           Db
Born of His Spir-it,  washed in His blood.

Db                Gb         Db
This is my story, this is my song,

            Gb  Db  Ab      Eb  Ab
Praising my Sav-ior all the day long;

Ab7        Db     Gb         Db
This is my story, this is my song,

            Gb  Ebm7 Ab7         Db
Praising my Sav-ior  all the day long.