F Dm C F C Dm Am Bb F Bb Dm Bb C7 F Praise to the Lord, the Al-might-y, the King of cre-a - tion! F Dm C F C Dm Am Bb F Bb Dm Bb C7 F O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and sal-va - tion! F C F Bb F Bb C F Gm F C All ye who hear, Now to His tem-ple draw near; F Bb Dm Gm A Gm C7 F Join ye in glad ad-o-ra - tion!
Top2. All Creatures of Our God and King
D A7 D Bm Em Asus A7 D A7 D Bm Em Asus A7 All crea-tures of our God and King, Lift up your voice with us and sing: D G D Bm A Bm7 E A Alle-lu-ia! Al-le-lu - ia! D A Bm7 A7 D G Asus A7 D A7 D G D G D A D A O burn-ing sun with gold-en beam And sil-ver moon with soft-er gleam: G D Em A D Em D Em A Bm Oh, praise Him! Oh, praise Him! Bm A Bm E A Bm7 A D Em A B Em D Em A A7 D Al-le-lu - ia, al- le-lu - ia, al-le-lu - ia!
G Dsus D Em Bsus B God Himself is with us; Let us all a-dore Him, C Am D G Am G D G And with awe ap-pear be-fore Him. G Dsus D Em Bsus B God is here with-in us; Soul, in silence fear Him, C Am D G Am G D G Hum-bly, fer-vent-ly draw near Him. G C D G D C G Am Em Now His own who have known God, in wor-ship low-ly, D G Am G D G Yield their spir-its whol-ly.
Top4. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
D A7 D G A7 D G D G D Bm Em A Praise Him for His grace and fa - vor To our fa-thers in dis-tress; F# Bm F# Bm B7 Em E F#m E7 A D Bm E7 A Praise Him, still the same for-ev-er, Slow to chide and swift to bless; D G A7 Bm A7 Bm A G Em D A D Praise Him, praise Him, al-le-lu-ia, Glo-rious in His faith-ful-ness.
Top5. All My Hope on God Is Founded
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C F C G C O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, F C Am D7 G Bow down be-fore Him, His glory pro-claim; C F C G With gold of obedience, and in-cense of lowliness, C Ab C Am C G7 C Kneel and a- dore Him; the Lord is His name.
Top7. The Lord in Zion Reigneth
A7 D A7 D F#7 Bm The Lord in Zion reigneth, Let all the world re-joice, A7 D G D G7 A E7 A And come be-fore His throne of grace With tuneful heart and voice; A A7 D Em B Em E7 A E A The Lord in Zion reigneth, And there His praise shall ring, A7 D G D B7 Em D A7 D To Him shall princes bend the knee And kings their glory bring.
C Dm7 G C We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing; C G Am D7 G Am D7 G He chastens and has-tens His will to make known; G G7 C Dm7 G7 C The wicked op-pressing now cease from dis-tressing, C F G C Dm G7 C Sing praises to His name; He for-gets not His own.
Top9. Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
D A D Bm E Em A A7 D Let all the world in every corner sing, A Am7 E A My God and King! D G Em7 A A7 D The heavens are not too high, G Am7 A A7 D His praise may thither fly, A D E A The earth is not too low, D E A His praises there may grow. D Bm A D Am7 A A7 D Let all the world in every corner sing, Em7 A D My God and King!
Top10. Come, Christians, Join to Sing
A E A D A D A E7 A Come, Chris-tians, join to sing, Alle-luia! A - men! A E A D A D A E7 A Loud praise to Christ our King; Alle-luia! A - men! A E7 A D A E A E A Bm A E Let all, with heart and voice, Be-fore His throne re-joice; A E A D E A Bm A E7 A Praise is His gracious choice; Alle-luia! A - men!
Top11. The God of Abraham Praise
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Top12. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
G D G D G D Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glo-ry, Lord of love; G C G D7 G D7 G Heats unfold like flow’rs before Thee, Hail Thee as the sun a-bove. D G D G D7 B Em A D Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Drive the dark of doubt a-way; G C G D7 G D7 G Giver of im-mortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day!
Top13. New Songs of Celebration Render
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Top14. Let Us Praise the Name of the Lord
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C G7 C G C My Maker and my King, To Thee my all I owe; C G7 C G C G D7 G Thy sovereign bounty is the spring Whence all my blessings flow; G C F Dm G7 C Thy sovereign bounty is the spring Whence all my blessings flow;
Top16. All People That on Earth Do Dwell
G D Em Bm Em D G Em G D Em C G D All peo-ple that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer-ful voice; G D G D G C D7 G Bm Em Am G D7 G Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye be-fore Him and re-joice.
Top17. Lord of All Being, Throned Afar
F Gm C F C G7 C Lord of all being, throned a-far, Thy glory flames from sun and star; C F C7 F D7 Gm C7 F Center and soul of every sphere, Yet to each loving heart how near! F Gm C F Yet to each loving heart how near!
Top18. O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright
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Top19. O Sing a New Song to the Lord
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Top20. O Praise Ye the Lord
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Top21. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
G C Am D Em G D7 G Im-mortal, in-visi-ble, God on-ly wise, G C Am D Em G D7 G In light in-ac-cessi-ble hid from our eyes, G Em D G Em Bm G Dsus D Most blessed, most glorious, the An-cient of days, G C Am D Em G C D7 G Al-mighty vic-torious, Thy great name we praise.
Top22. God Is Our Song
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Top23. Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing
D A Bm A D A D A D Now the joy-ful bells a-ringing, All ye mountains, praise the Lord! D A Bm A D A D A D Life our hearts like birds a-winging, All ye mountains, praise the Lord! A A7 D A D Bm A E7 A Now our festal season bring-ing Kinsmen all to bide and board, D A Bm D G D A7 D Sets our cheer-y voices singing: All ye mountains, praise the Lord!
Top24. Every Star Shall Sing a Carol
Gm Cm F Bb Every star shall sing a carol; Gm Cm Dm Gm Every creature, high or low, Bb Cm F Bb Come and praise the King of heaven Gm Cm Dm Gm By whatever name you know. Gm Dm7 Gm Dm7 God a-bove, Man below, Gm Cm Dm7 Gm Holy is the name I know.
Top25. Praise the Lord, His Glories Show
F Dm F Gm C F Bb Gm7 C F Praise the Lord, His glo-ries show, Al-le-lu - ia! F Dm F Gm C F Bb Gm7 C F Saints with-in His courts be-low, Al-le-lu - ia! Dm Cm F7 Bb Gm C F G7 C C7 Angles ’round His throne a- bove, Al-le-lu-ia! F Dm F Gm C F Bb Gm7 C F All that see and share His love. Al-le-lu - ia!
Top26. Praise the Lord! You Heavens Adore Him
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Top27. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart!
F C Am Dm C F A7 Dm G7 C Re-joice, ye pure in heart! Re-joice, give thanks, and sing; F7 Bb D Em F#m D D7 G Dm Gm7 F C Your festal banner wave on high, The cross of Christ your King. x C x C7 F F7 Bb F C7 F Rejoice! (Rejoice!) Rejoice! (Re-joice!) Re-joice, give thanks and sing!
Top28. Praise We the Lord
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Top29. Sing Praise to God
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Top30. Holy God, We Praise Your Name
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Top31. Tell Out, my Soul
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Top32. When in Our Music God Is Glorified
G D Am D G Am G Am G When in our music God is glo-ri-fied, D Em D7 G D7 G A7 D A7 D Dm And ad-o- ra-tion leaves no room for pride, Dm G G7 C Am D7 Em D7 G D Cmaj7 It is as though the whole cre-a- tion cried: Am D7 G C Dsus D7 Al-le-lu- ia! [Verse 4, replaced .Dsus D7. with .G.]
Top33. Sing A New Song to the Lord
G F G F G Dm G F Sing a new song to the Lord, He to whom wonders be-long. F Em A Em F D7 Re-joice in His triumph and tell of His power. D7 G Dm7 Am7 D7 G Am7 G Am7 G O sing a new song to the Lord.
F Bb F C G7 C Wake the song of joy and gladness; Hither bring your noblest lays; C7 F Bb F Bb F C7 F Banish every thought of sadness, Pouring forth your high-est praise. F C C7 Dm C F G7 C Sing to Him whose care has brought us Once a-gain with friends to meet, C F C7 Dm A Bb F C7 F And whose lov-ing voice has taught us Of the way to Je-sus’ feet. x C x F Wake the song, (wake the song,) wake the song, (wake the song,) F Bb F the song of joy and gladness, x F x Bb Wake the song, (wake the song,) wake the song, (wake the song,) C F Bb F C7 F The song of Ju-bi-lee.
Top35. With Songs and Honors
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Top36. O Thou in Whose Presence
C F C G7 C Am G7 C D7 G O Thou in whose presence my soul takes de-light, On whom in af-flic-tion I call, C G C F C G C Am C G7 C My comfort by day and my song in the night, My hope, my sal-va-tion, my all!
Top37. O Sing My Soul, Your Maker’s Praise
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Top38. Arise, My Soul, Arise!
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F C F Dm F C Lord, in the morn-ing Thou shalt hear C F C G C My voice as-cend-ing high; F Bb C F Dm Bb F C To Thee will I di-rect my prayer, Dm C F Bb C7 F To Thee lift up mine eye—
Top40. The Dawn of God’s Dear Sabbath
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Top41. O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright
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Top42. Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky
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Top43. When Morning Gilds the Skies
Bb Cm7 Bb Cm7 F7 Eb F7 Gm F Gm7 C7 Dm When morn-ing guilds the skies, My heart a-waking cries, C7 F Bb C7 F May Je-sus Christ be praised! F7 Bb F7 Eb F7 Gm7 F7 Bb C7 F7 Dm A- like at work and prayer, To Jesus I re-pair; F7 Bb Bb7 Eb F7 Bb May Je-sus Christ be praised!
C G Am Dm G F G Morning has bro-ken Like the first morn-ing, Am G7 Dm C Gsus G Blackbird has spo-ken Like the first bird. C G Am Dm C Am D7 Praise for the sing-ing! Praise for the morn-ing! G C Am F G C Praise for them spring-ing Fresh from the Word!
Top45. Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
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Top46. Abide With Me, ’Tis Eventide
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Top47. God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven
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Top48. Softly Now the Light of Day
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Top49. Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing
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Eb Bb Cm Eb Ab Bb Cm7 Bb7 Eb A- bide with me; fast falls the e - ven-tide; Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb Fm7 Bb Eb F7 Bb The dark-ness deep-ens; Lord, with me a- bide! Eb Bb Cm Eb Ab C7 Fm When other help-ers fail, and comforts flee, Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Cm Fm Eb Bb7 Eb Help of the help-less, O a- bide with me!
Top51. Day Is Dying in the West
G C G Day is dying in the west; Heaven is touching earth with rest; D7 G D7 G D7 G A7 Bm Wait and worship while the night Sets her evening lamps a-light G D A7 D Through all the sky. G D7 G C G Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Thee; D7 G C G D7 G Heaven and earth are praising Thee, O Lord most high!
Top52. Now the Day Is Over
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Top53. All Praise to Thee
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Top54. O Gladsome Light
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Top55. Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me
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D G D Em Am D7 C D7 G D7 Em A A7 D The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, The dark-ness falls at Thy be-hest; D G D Em Am D7 C G D7 Em G Am D7 G To Thee our morning hymns as-cended, Thy praise shall hal- low now our rest.
Top57. Now All the Woods Are Sleeping
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Top58. Hark, the Vesper Hymn Is Stealing
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Top59. Great Our Joy as Now We Gather
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Top60. Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
G D G Em D Blessed Jesus, at Thy word, Em C G Am G Dsus D7 G We are gath-ered all to hear Thee; G D G Em D Let our hearts and souls be stirred, Em C G Am G Dsus D7 G Now to seek and love and fear Thee. G D Em D G A D By Thy teach-ings sweet and holy, G Em D G Am Em Am7 D7 G Drawn from earth to love Thee sole - ly.
Top61. God Is Here!
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Top62. How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place
Bb F Bb Ab Eb How love-ly is Thy dwelling place, F Eb Bb Cm7 F7 Bb Cm Bb O Lord of hosts to me! Dm7 Gm Cm7 F F7 Bb The tabe-nacles of Thy grace Eb Dm Cm7 F7 Bb How pleasant, Lord, they be!
Top63. O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord
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Top64. Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
Db Gb Db Gb Db Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Lord, dis-miss us with Thy blessing; Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Db Gb Eb Db Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Let us each, Thy love pos-sessing, Tri-umph in redeem-ing grace. Ab Ab7 Ebm7 Ab7 Db Ab7 Db Db Ebm7 Db Ab7 Db O re- fresh us, O refresh us, Travelling through this wil-der-ness.
Bb F Bb Eb Bb God be with you till we meet a-gain; By His counsels guide, uphold you, F F7 Bb Eb Bb F Bb With His sheep se-curely fold you: God be with you till we meet a-gain. Bb Eb Bb F Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus’ feet, F Bb Eb Bb F Bb Till we meet, till we meet God be with you till we meet a-gain.
Top66. God Be With You
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Top67. O Lord, Now Let Your Servant
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Top68. On Our Way Rejoicing
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Top69. Lord, Make Us More Holy
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Ab Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb Praise ye the Father for His loving-kind-ness, Ab C7 Fm C Tenderly cares He for His erring chil-dren; Ab Eb7 Ab Bb Eb Praise Him, ye angels, praise Him in the heavens; Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Praise ye Je-ho - vah!
Top71. Come Thou Almighty King
F Dm Gm C F Dm C F C7 F C F C Come, Thou al-might-y King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise! C F Gm D Gm A A7 Dm Father all glorious, O’er all vic-to-ri-ous, F C Dm C F Gm F C7 F Come, and reign o- ver us, An-cient of Days!
Top72. Creator of the Stars of Night
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D Bm A7 D G D Holy, holy, ho-ly! Lord God Al-mighty! A D a Bm E A D A E7 A A7 Early in the morn-ing our song shall rise to Thee D Bm A7 D D7 G D Holy, holy, ho-ly! merciful and mighty! Bm D D7 G D G A7 D God in three per-sons, blessed Trini-ty!
F C F Bb C F Like a river glorious Is God’s perfect peace, F C F C G7 C Over all vic-torious In its bright in-crease; F C7 F Bb F Gm7 C7 F C Perfect, yet it flow-eth Full-er every day, F A7 Dm G7 F C7 F Perfect, yet it grow-eth Deeper all the way. F C7 F Bb F Gm7 C7 F C Trusting in Je-ho-vah, Hearts are fully blest F A7 Dm G F C7 F Finding, as He prom-ised, Perfect peace and rest.
Bb F7 Bb Bb7 Eb Bb There’s the wonder of sunset at evening, The wonder as sunrise I see; Bb F7 D Gm Eb Bb F F7 Bb But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul Is the wonder that God loves me. F Bb F7 Bb Bb7 Eb A7 Bb F7 Bb O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all! Just to think that God loves me. F Bb Bb7 Eb A7 Bb F7 Bb O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all! Just to think that God loves me.
Top76. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
G A7 G D D7 D D7 O Love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; D7 G B Em I give Thee back the life I owe, Em A7 G D G D7 G That in Thine ocean depths its flow May rich-er, full-er be.
Top77. O Love of God Most Full
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Top78. For God So Loved Us
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Top79. O Love of God, How Strong and True
C F G7 C F Dm G O love of God, how strong and true! Eternal, and yet ever new; C F E Am G7 C F C Em G7 Am F C G C Un-com-pre-hend-ed and un-bought, Be-yond all know-ledge and all thought.
Top80. O World of God
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Top81. Though I Speak With Tongues
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Top82. Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne
D A7 D G A D A E7 A D G D Em D A Before Je-ho-vah’s aw-ful throne Ye nations, bow with sa-cred joy; D A7 D G D A7 D A D G A7 D G D A7 D Know that the Lord is God a - lone; He can cre-ate, and He de-stroy.
G D G C G D O worship the King, all glorious a-bove, D7 G D G C G D7 G O grateful-ly sing His wonder-ful love; D A7 D7 G D G D7 Our shield and de- fender, the Ancient of days, D7 G D G D G D7 G Pa-vilioned in splendour, and girded with praise.
Top84. God the Omnipotent
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Top85. Eternal Father Strong to Save
C F C G Am7 D G D G Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, G G7 C A7 D B Em B7 Em D7 Em B Em Who bid’st the mighty ocean deep Its own ap-point-ed lim-its keep; Em C7 F D7 G G7 C D7 C G7 C Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.
Bb Eb O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder Eb Bb F F7 Bb Consider all the works Thy hands have made, Bb Eb I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Eb Bb F F7 Bb Thy pow’r thro’out the uni-verse dis-played. Bb Eb Bb Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee; Bb F F7 Bb How great Thou art, how great Thou art! Bb Eb Bb Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee; Bb F7 Bb How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
Top87. God Who Spoke in the Beginning
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Top88. I Sing the Mighty Power of God
C G Am G C I sing the mighty power of God, That made the moun-tains rise, C G Am G C That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the loft-y skies C G7 C G7 C I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day; G C F Am F C G7 C The moon shines full at His com-mand And all the stars o- bey.
Top89. Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise
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Top90. Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds
C7 F Bb F Gm F Dm C Dm Gm F Gm7 C7 F E- ter-nal God, whose power up-holds Both flower and flam-ing star, C7 F Bb F Gm F Dm C Dm Gm F Gm7 C7 F To whom there is no here nor there, No time, no near nor far, Dm Am Bb C C7 F Dm C C7 F Gm7 Dm C No a- lien race, no for-eign shore, No child un-sought, un-known: C7 F Bb F Gm F Dm C Dm Gm F C7 F O send us forth, Your proph-ets true, To make all lands Your own!
Top91. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
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Top92. This is My Father’s World
D A7 D G D A This is my Father’s world, And to my listening ears, A7 D A A7 D A A7 D All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres. A7 D G A7 D G D This is my Fa-ther’s world; I rest me in the thought A7 D A A7 D A A7 D Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the won-ders wrought.
Top93. All Things Bright and Beautiful
G C G C G Am7 D7 G D7 All things bright and beauti-ful, All creatures great and small, G C Bm C G E7 Am D7 G C G All things wise and wonder-ful, The Lord God made them all. G G7 C Am D D7 G Am7 G Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings; D7 G B Em Am D7 G C D7 G He made their glowing col-ors, He made their tiny wings.
Top94. Nature With Open Volume Stands
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Top95. Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers
G C G D C D7 G Spring has now un-wrapped the flowers, Day is fast re-viving, G C G D C D7 G Life in all her growing powers Towards the light is striving: G D7 B Em C Am7 D7 Em C Gone the iron touch of cold, Winter time and frost time, G C Em D G D7 Em C G Seedlings, working through the mould, Now make up for lost time.
Top96. The Spacious Firmament
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Top97. Lord of the Boundless Curves of Space
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Top98. Can You Count the Stars?
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Top99. God Will Take Care of You
Bb F7 Bb Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you; Bb F7 Bb Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you. Eb Bb F7 Bb God will take care of you, Through every day, o’er all the way; Bb Eb D Eb F7 Bb He will take care of you, God will take care of you.
Top100. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Db Ebm7 Ab7 Gb Db Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Fa-ther, Gb Db Eb7 Ab There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Ab7 Db Ebm7 Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; Eb7 Db Ab7 Db As Thou hast been Thou for-ever wilt be. Ab Gb Db Bb Ebm7 Great is Thy faithful-ness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Ab7 Db Eb7 Ab Morning by morning new mercies I see; Ab7 Db Ebm7 All I have needed Thy hand hath pro-vided, Eb7 Db Ab7 Db Great is Thy faithfulness! Lord unto me!
Top101. Children of the Heavenly Father
D A Em A7 D Children of the heavenly Father Safely in His bosom gather; D G D Em A7 D Nestling bird nor star in heaven Such a refuge e’er was gi-ven.
F Gm Em Gm C Gm C Bb Fmaj7 Dm Un-to the hills a-round shall I lift up my longing eyes? F Am Gm Am Gm Gm Am A Dm O whence for me shall my salvation come, from whence a-rise? Gm Am Am7 Dm Gm C Am Fmaj7 From God the Lord doth come my certain aid, Dm Bb Am Gm C7 F From God the Lord, who heav’n and earth hath made.
C F C Am Dm7 G C Am Em Am D G O God, our help in a - ges past, Our hope for years to come, G C F Dm G C F E C Dm C Dm G C Our shel-ter from the storm-y blast, And our e-ter-nal home!
Top104. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
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Top105. Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise
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Top106. Give to Our God Immortal Praise
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Top107. God Moves in a Mysterious Way
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C7 F F7 Bb F C7 F G7 C F C A- mazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! C7 F F7 Bb F Dm G7 C7 Bb F I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
G D7 G D7 G Marvelous grace of our lov-ing Lord, D D7 G D7 G Grace that ex-ceeds our sin and our guilt! G D7 G D7 Em Yonder on Calvary’s mount out-poured-- Am G D7 G There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt. G C G D7 G C G Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse with-in; G C G Am G D7 G Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin!
Top110. God’s Free Mercy Streameth
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G D7 G My Father is om-nipotent, And that you can’t deny; E7 A7 D7 A God of might and miracles, ’Tis written in the sky. G Am7 D7 It took a miracle to put the stars in place; Am7 G It took a miracle to hang the world in space. E7 Am Am7 D B Em But when He saved my soul, Cleansed and made me whole, A7 D7 G It took a miracle of love and grace.
Top112. Let Us With a Gladsome Mind
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Top113. As Pants the Hart
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Bb F7 Bb There’s a wideness, in God’s mercy, Eb Bb F7 Bb C C7 F Like the wide-ness of the sea; F7 Bb F7 Bb There’s a kindness in His justice, Gm Ebm Bb Gm F7 Bb Which is more than liber-ty.
Top115. O Come, O Come, Immanuel
Em Bm G Am G D7 G D G C G Am D7 Em Bm Em O come, O come, Im-man- u el, And ransom cap-tive Is - ra-el Am Em B7 Em G D A7 D Em D Bm G Am G D7 G That mourns in lone-ly ex - ile here Un-til the Son of God ap-pear G D Em G G Am G D7 Em D7 G C Am D7 Em Bm Em Re-joice! Re-joice! Im-man- u el Shall come to thee, O Is - ra-el!
Top116. Of the Father’s Love Begotten
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E7 A D A D A E B7 E The advent of our God With ea-ger prayers we greet, A E D A Bm B7 E A D A Esus E A And sing-ing haste up-on His road His com-ing reign to meet.
C Am G Dm C F C The first no-el the angel did say G7 C Dm C F G7 C G7 C Was to certain poor shep-herds in fields where they lay; G7 C Am G Dm C F C In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, F C Dm C G7 C G7 C On a cold win-ter’s night that was so deep. G7 C Am Em C F C G No-el, No-el, No-el, No-el, Am Cmaj7 F C G7 C G7 C Born is the King of Is-ra-el.
Top119. Angels From the Realms of Glory
Bb Angels from the realms of glory, Eb Bb Gm F F7 Bb Wing your flight o’er all the earth; Bb D Ye, who sang creation’s sto-ry, Gm D Gm F C7 F Now pro-claim Mes-si-ah’s birth; F Bb Eb Come and worship, Come and worship, Cm Bb F7 Gm Fsus F7 Bb Wor-ship Christ, the new- born King.
Top120. There’s a Song in the Air
G D7 There’s a song in the air! G D7 There’s a star in the sky! G Gm D There’s a mother’s deep prayer A7 D And a baby’s low cry! D7 G And the star rains its fire D7 while the beautiful sing, G7 Am Cm For the manger of Bethle-hem D7 G cradles a King!
Top121. Go, Tell It on the Mountain
F Bb F Go, tell it on the mountain, C Dm C F Bb F Over the hills and ev-ery-where: F Bb F Go, tell it on the mountain Dm Gm F C7 F That Jesus Christ is born! F Bb F While shepherds kept their watching C Dm C F O’er silent flocks by night, F Bb F Behold throughout the heavens G G7 C Dm7 C7 There shone a holy light.
Top122. Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
F C F F C Hark! the her-ald angels sing, F Fmaj7 Bb Gm F C F “Glo-ry to the new born King, F C Dm F G7 G Peace on earth, and mer-cy mild, Am G C F G7 C God and sinners re-con-ciled!” F C7 F F C Joyful, all ye na-tions rise, F C7 F F C Join the triumph of the skies; Bb Gm D7 Gm With th’ angelic host pro-claim, C7 Am F C F “Christ is born in Beth-le-hem!” Bb F Gm D Gm Hark! the her-ald an-gels sing, C C7 F C7 F “Glo-ry to the new-born King!”
Top123. As With Gladness Men of Old
G D Am G C Cm Gsus G As with glad-ness men of old Am D7 G Em Dsus7 G Did the guid-ing star be-hold, Em Am Em Cm Bm7 Bdim As with joy they hailed its light, C Cdim G C D2 D G Lead-ing on-ward, beam-ing bright, B B7 Em7 C7 Dm7 G G7 So, most gracious Lord, may we C Cdim G Am7 Bm D7 G Ev-er - more be led to Thee.
C7 F C7 F Dm F Dm Gm A- way in a manger, no crib for a bed, Am Gm Gm7 C Fsus F Gm Dm C The lit-tle Lord Je - sus laid down his sweet head. C7 F Dm C7 F Bb Gm F C Dm Gm7 The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, C7 Dm C Fsus F Gm C7 F The lit-tle Lord Je - sus a-sleep on the hay.
C F C F C G C Joy to the world, the Lord is come! F G C F C Let earth re-ceive her King; C F C F C Let ev-ery heart prepare Him room, C And heaven and nature sing, G G7 And heaven and nature sing, C F C F C G C And heaven, and heaven and na-ture sing.
Top126. In the Bleak Midwinter
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Top127. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
F C7 F Gm7 C In-fant holy, infant low-ly, Bb F Bb Csus C F For His bed a cat- tle stall; F C7 F Bb C7 F C G Ox-en low-ing, little know-ing F Bb F Bb Csus C F Christ the babe is Lord of all; Bbsus Bb Gm Csus C Swift are wing- ing angels sing-ing, Am Dsus Dm Gm Csus C Noels ring-ing, tidings bring-ing, Am Bb F Bb C Dsus Dm Christ the babe is Lord of all, Am Bb F Gm7 Csus C Fsus F Christ the babe is Lord of all.
Top128. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
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Top129. As It Fell Upon a Night
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Top130. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Ab Db Ab Db Ab It came up-on the mid-night clear, Db Bb7 Eb That glorious song of old, Ab Db Ab Db Ab From angels bending near the earth Db Bbm7 Eb7 Ab To touch their harps of gold: C C7 Fm C Fm “Peace on the earth, good-will to men, Eb Bb7 Eb From heaven’s all gracious King;” Eb7 Ab Db Ab Db Ab The world in solemn still-ness lay, Db Bb7 Eb Ab To hear the angels sing.
Top131. Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
F Bb F C Dm Bb F C Dm C F Lo, how a rose e’er bloom-ing From ten-der stem hath sprung, F Bb F C Dm Bb F C Dm C F Of Jesse’s lin-eage com-ing As men of old have sung. F Gm Am F G C It came, a flower-et bright, C F Bb F C D Gm F Gm F C F Amid the cold of win-ter When half spent was the night.
Top132. O Come, All Ye Faithful
G D G D G C G D O come, all ye faithful, joy-ful and tri-um-phant, Em D Am D G D Em7 D A7 D O come ye, O come ye to Beth-le-hem! Bm Am G Am7 D7 G D G Em Am D Come and be-hold Him, born the King of angels! G D G D7 G D G D7 G D O come, let us a- dore Him, O come, let us a- dore Him, G Am G D A7 D D7 G C G D7 G O come, let us a- dore Him, Christ, the Lord!
Top133. Now Is Born the Divine Christ Child
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Top134. O Jesus Sweet
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Top135. O Little Town of Bethlehem
F Gm O little town of Bethlehem, F C7 F How still we see thee lie! F7 D D7 Gm Above thy deep and dreamless sleep F Am C7 F The silent stars go by. F C7 E7 A Yet in thy dark streets shineth Dm Gm A The everlas-ting Light; F Gm The hopes and fears of all the years F Csus C7 F Are met in thee to-night.
Top136. Good Christians, Now Rejoice
Bb F Bb F Bb F Bb C Good Chris-tians, now re-joice, F Bb F Bb F Bb C With heart, and soul, and voice; F Bb C C7 F C7 Dm Give ye heed to what we say: C Gm Am C7 Dm C F Je-sus Christ is born to-day; F Bb F C7 F C7 Dm Ox and ass be-fore Him bow, F Gm7 Am C Dm C Am And He is in the man-ger now. Cm Csus A Dm C Christ is born to-day! F Gm7 C F Christ is born to-day!
Em B7 Em We three kings of Orient are; B7 Em Bearing gifts we traverse afar D G Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Am Em B Em Following yon-der star. D D7 G C G O - star of wonder, star of night, C G Star with royal beauty bright, Em D G C G D G Westward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing, C G Guide us to Thy perfect light.
Top138. Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
D G A D There’s a star in the east on Christmas morn. C G A7 Rise up, shepherd, and follow. D G D G Bm It will lead to the place and where the Sav-iour’s born, D7 Em A7 D Rise up, shepherd, and fol-low. D G D Leave your sheep and leave your lambs, D C G A7 Rise up, shepherd, and follow. D G D Leave your ewes and leave your rams, D7 Em G A7 D Rise up, shepherd, and fol-low. D Follow, follow, C G A7 Rise up shepherd, and follow. D G A Bm Follow the star of Beth-le-hem, D7 Em G A7 D Rise up, shepherd, and fol-low.
Top139. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
F C Dm Bb F While shepherds watched their flocks by night, C F Gsus G C All seated on the ground, F Bb F Bb F C Dm A The an-gel of the Lord came down, F C Dm Bb C F And glo-ry shone a-round.
Top140. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
D Bm Em A7 Bm Em F# Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy king-ly crown Bm A D A When Thou camest to earth for me; A D E7 F#m E7 But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room E7 A E7 A For Thy holy na-tivi-ty. A7 D Asus A D E7 A D O come to my heart, Lord Je - sus, There is room in my heart for Thee.
Em D Em Am B What child is this, who, laid to rest, On Mary’s lap is sleeping? Em D Em B Em Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? Bm G D Em Am B This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing: Bm G D Em B Em Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The babe, the son of Mary.
Top142. Angels We Have Heard on High
F Am Gm C F F C F C F Angels we have heard on high Sweet-ly singing o’er the plains, F Am F Dm C F Am Gm Dm C F C F And the moun-tains in re-ply Ech-o- ing their joy-ous strains. F Dm Gm C F Bb C Dm C C7 F C F Gm F C Glo - - - - - - - - ri-a in ex-cel-sis De-o! F Dm Gm C F Bb C Dm C C7 F C F Gm F C C7 F Glo - - - - - - - - ri-a in ex-cel-sis De - o!
Top143. Silent Night, Holy Night
Bb Silent night, holy night; F7 Bb All is calm, all is bright Eb Bb Round yon virgin mother and Child, Eb Bb Holy Infant so tender and mild, F7 Bb Sleep in heavenly peace, F7 Bb Sleep in heavenly peace.
Top144. O Sing a Song of Bethlehem
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Top145. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
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Top146. I Think When I Read That Sweet Story
G C G Am D I think when I read that sweet story of old, D7 G D G When Jesus was here among men, Bm Em G C How He called little children as lambs to His fold, G Am7 D G I should like to have been with Him then.
Top147. Christ Upon the Mountain Peak
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Top148. O Love, How Deep, How Broad
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Top149. Once in Royal David’s City
F C7 F C Fsus F Once in royal David’s c - ity Dm F Bb C F Stood a lowly cat-tle shed, C7 F G7 C7 F Where a mother laid her Ba-by Dm F Bb C F In a manger for His bed; Bb F Gm7 C7 F Mary was that mo- ther mild, Bb F Bb C F Jesus Christ her lit-tle Child.
Top150. Who Is He in Yonder Stall?
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Top151. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
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Top152. Tell Me the Story of Jesus
D A A7 D Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every word. D D7 G D A A7 D Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard. G D A A7 D Tell how the angels in chorus, Sang as they welcomed His birth. G D A E7 A A7 "Glory to God in the highest! Peace and good tidings to earth." D A A7 D Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every word. D D7 G D A A7 D Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard.
Top153. Prince of Peace, Control My Will
A7 D B7 Em A7 D Prince of Peace, con-trol my will, Bid this struggling heart be still; D7 G F#7 B Em A7 A7 D Bid my fears and doubtings cease, Hush my spirit into peace.
Top154. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
F C F Gm D Gm F C7 F F Bb F C7 F C7 F C When I sur-vey the won-drous cross On which the Prince of glo-ry died, F C F Gm D Gm F C7 F F C Dm Gm7 C7 F My rich-est gain I count but loss, And pour con-tempt on all my pride.
Top155. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
D G A7 D G D A7 Bm F#7 G D A D A When I sur-vey the won-drous cross On which the Prince of glo-ry died, A E A A7 D Bm E7 A D Em D A Bm G A7 D My rich-est gain I count but loss, And pour con-tempt on all my pride.
Top156. O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Am Dm C Dm C Dm G C E Am Em E7 Am O sa-cred head, now wound-ed, With grief and shame weighed down, Am Dm C Dm C Dm G C E Am Em E7 Am Now scorn-ful-ly sur-round-ed With thorns, Thine on-ly crown: Am Dm C F G7 F C C7 Dm A7 Dm A O sa-cred head, what glo-ry, What bliss till now was Thine! D7 G D Am G Am7 G C Dm C Dm7 G C Yet, though de-spised and gor-y, I joy to call Thee mine.
Top157. Go to Dark Gethsemane
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Eb Bb Cm Bb7 Eb Were you there when they cru-ci-fied my Lord? Eb Gm Eb Bb Cm Bb Eb Bb Were you there when they cru-ci-fied my Lord? Eb Bb Eb Ab Gm Bb7 Eb7 O! Ab Eb G Cm Cm7 Ab Eb Fm7 Bb Some-times it causes me to trem-ble, trem-ble, trem-ble. Cm Ab Eb Cm7 Gm7 Ab Eb Gm7 Bb7 Eb Were you there when they cru-ci-fied my Lord?
Ab Db On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, Bb Eb7 Ab The emblem of suffering and shame, Ab Db And I love that old cross where the dearest and best Bb Eb7 Ab For a world of lost sinners was slain. Eb7 Ab So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, Db Ab Till my trophies at last I lay down; Db I will cling to the old rugged cross, Ab Eb7 Ab And exchange it some day for a crown.
Top160. Ride On in Majesty
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Top161. Throned Upon the Awful Tree
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Dm C Am What wondrous love is this, G C Dm Am O my soul, O my soul? G Am G C Dm Em Dm What wondrous love is this, O my soul? C F Am7 Dm What wondrous love is this Bb Am7 Dm C Dm G That caused the Lord of bliss Dm Em7 Dm C Am Dm C Dm Am Em To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul; Am Bm7 Am C Em Dm Em Dm To bear the dreadful curse for my soul?
Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sov-ereign die? Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Would He devote that sa-cred head For someone such as I? Eb Ab Eb Bb7 At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, Bb7 Eb And the burden of my heart rolled away, Ab Eb It was there by faith I re-ceived my sight, Ab Bb7 Eb And now I am happy all the day!
Top164. There Is a Green Hill Far Away
D A D G D G A D Bm A E7 A There is a green hill far a- way, With-out a cit-y wall, A G A7 D Gmaj7 Em F# G Em D A D Where the dear Lord was cru - ci-fied, Who died to save us all.
Top165. Look, You Saints! the Sight Is Glorious
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Top166. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
C G C F F C C Dm7 C C G C Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Al - le-lu- ia! F C F C Dm7 C C G C Dm7 C C G C Sons of men and an- gels say, Al - le-lu- ia! G D7 G G7 C G7 C G D7 G D7 G Raise your joys and tri-umphs high, Al - le-lu-ia! G G7 C F F C C F C C G7 C Sing, ye heavens, and earth re-ply, Al- le-lu - ia!
Top167. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!
F C F Bb F C C7 F Gm F Gm C F Al-le-lu-ia! sing to Je-sus! His the scepter, His the throne; Dm C F Gm F C F Gm F Am Gm C F Al-le-lu-ia! His the triumph, His the vic-to-ry a-lone; Am Dm7 Gm C7 A Dm Gm C Hark! the songs of peaceful Sion Thunder like a might-y flood; F Am Gm C7 F C C7 F Gm F C7 F Je-sus out of every na-tion Hath re-deemed us by His blood.
Top168. And Have the Bright Immensities
C7 F Bb F Gm F Dm C And have the bright im-men-si-ties Dm Gm F Gm7 C7 F Re-ceived our ri- sen Lord, C7 F Bb F Gm F Dm C Where light years frame the Ple-ia-des Dm Gm F Gm7 C7 F And point O-ri- on’s sword? Dm Am Bb C C7 F Dm C Do flam-ing suns His foot-steps trace C7 F G7 Dm C Thro’ corri-dors sub-lime, C7 F Bb F Gm F Dm C The Lord of in-ter-stel-lar space Dm Gm F C7 F And con-quer-or of time?
Top169. Come, You Faithful
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Top170. Come, You Faithful
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Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Bb Thine is the glory, Risen, con-quering Son; Eb Fm Eb Bbsus Bb7 Eb Endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won. Eb Bdim7 Cm Bdim7 Cm Bdim7 Cm G Angels in bright rai - ment Rolled the stone a- way, Cm F7 Gm Cm F F7 Bb Kept the folded grave-clothes Where Thy bod-y lay. Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Bb Thine is the glory, Risen, con-quering Son; Eb Fm Eb Bbsus Bb7 Eb Endless is the victory Thou o’er death hast won.
Top172. The Strife Is O’er
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Top173. Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!
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Top174. Star of Our Hope
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Top175. Now the Green Blade Rises
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Top176. Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
F Dm F Gm C F Bb Gm7 C F Hail the day that sees Him rise, Al-le-lu - ia! F Dm F Gm C F Bb Gm7 C F Glo-rious to His na-tive skies; Al-le-lu - ia! Dm Cm F7 Bb Gm C F G7 C C7 Christ, a-while to mor-tals giv’n, Al-le-lu-ia! F Dm F Gm C F Bb Gm7 C F Enters now the high-est heav’n! Al-le-lu - ia!
Top177. Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness
G D7 G Am D7 B Em A7 D/F# Bm Gmaj7 A7 D Jesus, your blood and right-eous-ness My beauty are, my glo - rious dress; D7 G Am7 G Cmaj7 D Em Am G D7 G Mid flaming worlds, in these ar-rayed, With joy shall I lift up my head.
Db Ab Db Once our blessed Christ of beauty Was veiled off from human view; Db Ebm7 Ab7 Db But through suffering, death and sorrow He has rent the veil in two. Gb Db Gb Eb7 Ab7 O behold the Man of Sorrows, O be-hold Him in plain view; Db Eb7 Db Gb Db Ab Db Lo! He is the mighty Conqueror, Since He rent the veil in two. Gb Db Ab Ab7 Db Lo! He is the mighty Conqueror, Since He rent the veil in two.
Top179. The Wonders of Redeeming Love
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Top180. O Listen to Our Wondrous Story
C F C D7 G C O lis-ten to our wondrous sto-ry, C F Dm C G C Counted once a- mong the lost; C F C D7 G C Yet One came down from heaven’s glo-ry, C F Dm C G C Saving us at aw-ful cost! C F C G7 C Who saved us from e-ter-nal loss? C F C G7 C Who but God’s Son up-on the cross? C G7 F C Dm What did He do? He died for you! Dm C G Em Where is He now? Believe it thou, Em Am7 G Am Dm C G C In heav-en in-ter-ced-ing!
C F C G C Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deeply for mirth or song, C F C G C As the burdens press, and the cares distress And the way grows weary and long? C G7 C G D7 G Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; G7 C F C G C When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.
C F G7 C Christ is alive! Let Chris-tians sing. G7 Am G7 C Dm C G His cross stands empty to the sky. G D G C D G Let streets and homes with prais-es ring. G7 C Dm C G7 C His love in death shall nev-er die.
Top183. I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love
Bb F7 Bb F7 Eb Bb I will sing of Jesus’ love, Sing of Him, who first loved me; Bb Bb7 Eb Bb F7 Bb For He left bright worlds above, And died on Cal-va-ry. Bb7 Eb Bb F Bb Eb F I will sing of Jesus’ love Endless praise my heart shall give; Gm D Eb Bb F7 Bb He has died that I might live I will sing His love to me.
D A D I hear the Savior say, "Thy strength indeed is small; D A D Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all." D A Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; D G E7 A D Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
Top185. Jesus Is All the World to Me
G C D G D G Jesus is all the world to me, My life, my joy, my all; G D G A7 D D7 He is my strength from day to day, With-out Him I would fall. G When I am sad to Him I go; No other one can cheer me so; Em Eb7 G D7 G When I am sad He makes me glad, He’s my Friend.
Ab Eb7 Ab I’ve found a Friend; oh, such a Friend! He loved me ere I knew Him; Db Ab Eb7 Ab He drew me with the cords of love, And thus He bound me to Him. Eb7 Ab Db Bb Ab Eb And ’round my heart still closely twine Those ties which nought can se-ver, Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab For I am His, and He is mine, For-ever and forev-er.
Top187. Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
F Gm7 F Gm Dm Gm C7 Je-sus! what a Friend for sin-ners! F Gm7 F Dm Bbmaj7 C7 F Je-sus! Lov-er of my soul; F C Dm Dm7 Gm7 F Gm7 F Friends may fail me, foes as-sail me, Gm7 C7 F Dm Dm7 C7 F He, my Sav-ior, makes me whole. F C7 F C7 Am Dm7 C7 F Hal-le-lu-jah! what a Sav-ior! F C7 F C7 Dm G7 Csus C Hal-le-lu-jah! what a Friend! F C Dm Dm7 Gm7 F Gm7 F Sav-ing, help-ing, keep-ing, lov-ing, C C7 F Dm Gm7 C7 F He is with me to the end.
Top188. My Song Is Love Unknown
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Top189. All That Thrills My Soul
Bb Eb Cm7 F7 Bb Who can cheer the heart like Je-sus, By His presence all di-vine? Bb Eb Cm7 F7 Bb True and tender, pure and pre-cious, Oh, how blest to call Him mine! Bb D7 Gm D7 Eb C7 F F7 All that thrills my soul is Je-sus; He is more than life to me; (to me;) Bb Bb7 Eb Cm7 F7 Bb And the fairest of ten thou-sand, In my blessed Lord I see.
C F C G Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; C F C G C Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong. C F C G Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! C F C G C Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Love di-vine, all loves excel-ling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down; Ab Db Ab Eb7 Fm Db Bbm Ab Eb7 Ab Fix in us Thy hum-ble dwel-ling, All Thy faithful mercies crown! Fm C7 Fm C Ab Db Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Eb7 Jesus, Thou art all com-passion, Pure, un-bound-ed love Thou art; Ab Db Ab Eb7 Fm Db Bbm Ab Eb7 Ab Visit us with Thy salva-tion, En-ter every trembling heart.
Eb Bb7 Eb O Shepherd divine, I know Thou art mine; Thy search in the night was for me. Eb Bb7 Eb This bleak world is cold, but warm is Thy fold; My Shepherd, I follow Thee. Eb Ab Eb Thy beautiful lamp shineth bright o’er my way, Eb F7 Bb F7 Bb7 Thy glorious light unto Thy per-fect day. Eb Bb7 Eb Thro’ pastures serene, Thro’ valleys of green, My Shepherd, I follow Thee.
Top193. Savior, Teach Me
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Top194. Sing We of the Modern City
Fm Bbm6 C7 Sing we of the modern city, Fm Db Bbm7 C2 C Scene alike of joy and stress; Fm Bbm6 C7 Sing we of its nameless people Fm Db Fm C7 Fm In their ur-ban wil-der-ness. F Dm Gm C7 Into end-less rows of houses F Dm Bb Gm C2 C Life is set a mil-lion-fold, F Dm Gm C7 Life expressed in human beings F Dm7 F C7 F Daily born and grow-ing old.
Ab Eb Ab Eb Ab "There shall be showers of blessing;" This is the promise of love; Db Ab Fm C Eb7 There shall be seasons re-freshing, Sent from the Savior a-bove. Ab Eb Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Ab7 Db Ab Eb7 Ab Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
Top196. Tell Me the Old, Old Story
Bb Eb Bb Gm Fsus F Tell me the old, old sto-ry, Of unseen things above, F7 Bb Eb Bb F Bb Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love; F F7 Bb C C7 F Tell me the story simply, As to a little child F7 Bb Eb Bb F Bb For I am weak and weary, And helpless and de-filed. Bb Eb Bb F7 Bb Tell me the old, old sto-ry, Tell me the old, old sto-ry, Bb Bb7 Eb Bb F7 Bb Tell me the old, old story, Of Jesus and His love.
Top197. The King of Love My Shepherd Is
G D C G Dsus D Em The King of love my Shep-herd is, D Gsus G Asus A7 G D Whose good-ness fail-eth nev-er; G Am7 D7 G Em F#m7 B Em I no- thing lack if I am His, D7 G D7 G And He is mine for-ev-er.
G C D7 G C D G D7 A7 D And can it be that I should gain an in-terest in the Sav-ior’s blood! D G D7 G D G C G Am G D7 G Died he for me, who caused his pain! For me who him to death pur-sued? G D G C A7 D G C D G A-mazing love! How can it be that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? G D D7 G C G C G D7 G Amazing love! How can it be that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Top199. The Head That Once Was Crowned
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Top200. The Lord Is Coming
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Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Db Bbm7 Ab Eb7 Ab Christ is com-ing! Let crea-tion Bid her groans and tra-vail cease; Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Let the glo-rious proclama-tion Hope re-store and faith in- crease; Eb7 Ab Christ is coming! Christ is coming! Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Eb7 Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace! Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Come, Thou bless-ed Prince of Peace!
Top202. Hail Him the King of Glory
Ab C7 Db Ab Eb Ab Eb Tell it to ev-ery kindred and nation, Tell it far and near; Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Earth’s darkest night will fade with the dawning, Jesus will soon ap-pear. Ab Ab.aug Bbm Db Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Hail Him the King of glory, Once the Lamb for sin-ners slain; Ab Ab7 Db Ab Eb Ab Tell, tell the wondrous story, "Jesus comes to reign."
Top203. This Is the Threefold Truth
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Top204. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
F C F Gm F C F C7 F Gm C F Come, Thou long-ex-pect-ed Jesus! Born to set Thy peo-ple free, F C F Gm F C F C7 F Gm C F From our fears and sins re-lease us, Let us find our rest in Thee. Am Dm Gm C7 F C Dm Am Gm Bb Csus C Israel’s strength and conso-lation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; F Dm Gm C F G7 C C7 F Gm7 F C7 F Dear De-sire of ev-ery na-tion, Joy of every long-ing heart.
Top205. Gleams of the Golden Morning
F C7 F C7 F C7 F The golden morning is fast ap-proaching; Jesus soon will come F C7 F C7 F C7 F To take His faithful and hap-py children To their prom-ised home. F Bb F C C7 F O, we see the gleams of the golden morn-ing Piercing through this night of gloom! F C7 F C7 F O, we see the gleams of the golden morning That will burst the tomb.
Bb Cm7 F7 Bb Face to face with Christ my Sav-iour, Face to face, what will it be, Bb Eb Edim7 Bb Dm F7 Bb When with rapture I behold Him, Jesus Christ, who died for me? F7 Bb F C7 F Bb F7 Face to face shall I behold Him, Far be-yond the starry sky; Bb Eb Edim7 Bb Dm F7 Bb Face to face in all His glory I shall see Him by and by!
C F C G It may be at morn, when the day is a-waking, G C G7 Am7 D7 G When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking, G7 C F G7 C G7 C That Je-sus will come in the fullness of glory C F C G7 C To re-ceive from the world His own. C G7 C F O Lord Je-sus, how long, how long G7 F C Ere we shout the glad song? G7 C G7 C Christ re-turneth, Halle-lujah! G7 C G7 C G7 C Halle-lujah! A- men, Halle-lujah! A-men.
Top208. There’ll Be No Dark Valley
Eb Ab Eb There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes, Eb Bb There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes, Eb Ab Eb There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes, Bb Eb Cm Bb Eb To gather His loved ones home. Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb To gather His loved ones home, (safe home) Eb F7 Bb Bb7 Eb To gather His loved ones home, (safe home). Bb7 Eb Ab Eb There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes, Bb Eb Cm Bb Eb To gather His loved ones home.
Top209. That Glorious Day Is Coming
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Top210. Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
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D A D A D A7 D Lo! He comes, with clouds de-scend-ing, G D Em7 A7 D Asus A7 D Once for fa - vored sin- ners slain; D A7 D G D A7 D Count-less angels, Him at-tend-ing, Bm A Bm A Esus E7 A Swell the tri-umph of His train: D A D A7 D Em7 D Hal-le-lujah! Hal-le-lu- jah! D G D A7 D Jesus comes, and comes to reign.
Top212. Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come
Db Gb Db Ab ’Tis almost time for the Lord to come, I hear the people say; Ab Db Ab7 D Gb Db Ab Ab7 Db The stars of heav-en are growing dim, It must be the breaking of the day. Db Ab Db O it must be the breaking of the day! O it must be the breaking of the day! Db Gb Db The night is almost gone, The day is coming on; Db Gb Ab Ab7 Db O it must be the breaking of the day!
A E A B7 E Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring: Jesus is com-ing a-gain! A E A7 D A E7 A Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joy-ful and sing: Jesus is com-ing a-gain! A D E A D A E7 A Coming again, coming a-gain, Je-sus is com-ing a-gain!
Ab Eb Ab Db Eb Ab Eb Ab We have this hope that burns with-in hearts, Ab Eb Ab Bbm7 Ab Db Fm Bb Eb Eb7 Hope in the com- ing of the Lord. Ab Eb Ab Db Eb Ab Eb Ab We have this faith that Christ a-lone im-parts, Bbm Ab Db Eb Db Eb Ab Faith in the promise of His Word. Eb Fm We believe the time is here, Eb7 C7 Fm When the nations far and near Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb Ab Shall a-wake, and shout, and sing Db Ab Ebsus7 Eb7 Halle-lujah! Christ is King! Ab Eb Ab Db Eb Ab Fm Gm7 C We have this hope that burns with-in our hearts. Bbm Ab Db Ab Eb Db Eb7 Ab Hope in the com-ing of the Lord.
Top215. The King Shall Come
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Top216. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
G C G When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, G A7 D And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; G C G When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, G D7 G And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. G When the roll is called up yonder, D7 When the roll is called up yonder, G C When the roll is called up yonder, G D7 G When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
Top217. The Church Has Waited Long
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D G D A7 D When He cometh, when He cometh To make up His jewels, D G D A7 D All His jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. D7 G D Bm A D Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown a-dorning, D7 G D G D A7 D They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown.
Top219. When Jesus Comes in Glory
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Top220. When He Comes
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Top221. Rejoice, the Lord Is King
C G C Am Am7 Cmaj7 F C G7 C G Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King a-dore! G C Am Em D D7 G C G D7 G Re-joice, give thanks, and sing and tri-umph ev-er-more C F G7 Am C G7 C F Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! C F E Am Dm C G G7 C Re-joice, a-gain I say, re - joice!
Top222. Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices
F C Hark! ten thousand harps and voices F C7 F Sound the note of praise a-bove; F C Jesus reigns, and heaven re-joices, F C7 F Jesus reigns, the God of love: C C7 See, He sits on yonder throne; F Jesus rules the world alone. C Alleluia! Alle-luia! F C7 F Alle-luia! A- men.
Top223. Crown Him With Many Crowns
D Bm G D G A7 D A Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb up-on His throne, A D A Bm D E E7 A E7 A D E E7 A Hark! how the heaven-ly an-them drowns all mu-sic but its own. A7 D A7 D G B E D E A A- wake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, A7 D G D Em A D G D Asus A7 D And hail Him as thy match-less King through all e-ter- ni-ty.
Top224. Seek Ye First the Kingdom
F Gm7 F Dm Gm Dm7 Gm7 C7 Seek ye first the king- dom, ‘Tis your Fa - ther’s will. F Gm7 F Dm Gm7 C7 F So the voice of Je - sus bids us fol - low still. Bb F Bb Adim Bb Dm F Am Gm Bb7 C Sav- ior, we would hear Thee, Fol- low, find, and see; F Gm7 F Dm Gm7 C7 F And in life’s ad - ven - ture Thy dis- ci - ples be.
Top225. God Is Working His Purpose Out
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Top226. Lift Up Your Heads
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D Bm Gm Asus A E A7 D Gm A E7 A A7 Je-sus shall reign wher-e’er the sun D D7 B B7 Em D E7 A C Does his suc-ces-sive jour-neys run; F# E2 F#7 Bm A D G B7 Em Bm A A7 His king-dom stretch from shore to shore, D G A7 Bm Em D2 D Asus7 A D Till moons shall wax and wane no more.
Top228. A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
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Top229. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
C F C Dm C F C7 Dm F C7 F All hail the power of Je-sus’ name! Let an-gels pros-trate fall; C F C F C C7 F C F C Dm G7 C Bring forth the royal di-a- dem, and crown Him Lord of all. F C Dm F Bb F C7 F Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.
Top230. All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Bb F Bb Eb F7 Bbsus Bb All glo-ry, laud, and hon - or, F Gm Cm7 F Bb To Thee, Re-deem-er, King, Bb F Bb Eb F7 Bbsus Bb To whom the lips of chil- dren F Gm Cm7 F Bb Made sweet ho-san-nas ring. Bb Gm C C7 F C7 F Thou art the King of Is-ra-el, Dm Gm F Bb6 C7 F Thou Da-vid’s roy-al Son, F Bb Eb Bb F F7 Bb Who in the Lord’s name com- est, Bb Eb Bb Fsus F7 Bb The King and Bless-ed One.
Top231. Blest Be the King
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Dm F C Dm F Dm F Gm Dm Bb At the name of Je-sus Every knee shall bow, F Am Dm Dm7 Gm F Gm Every tongue con-fess Him King of glo-ry now; C Gm C Am Dm C Csus G C Dm7 C “Tis the Fa-ther’s plea-sure We should call Him Lord, Dm C Am Gm F C Dm Who from the be-ginning Was the might-y Word.
Top233. Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
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Top234. Christ Is the World’s Light
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Top235. Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
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Top236. I Love Thee
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Top237. In Cross of Christ I Glory
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Top238. How Sweet the Name!
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Top239. Jesus, Priceless Treasure
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Eb Cm Fm Bb Eb Cm C7 Fm Bb Eb Fair-est Lord Je - sus, Ruler of all na - ture, Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Bb O Thou of God and man the Son! Eb Ab Eb C7 Fm C7 Fm Bb7 Eb Thee will I cher-ish, Thee will I hon-or, Eb G7 Cm Eb7 Fm Eb Bb7 Eb Thou art my glo-ry, joy, and crown.
Top241. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
G Am E Am D G Jesus, the ver-y thought of Thee D7 G D7 G A7 D With sweet-ness fills the breast; Am E7 Am A7 D A7 D D7 But sweet-er far Thy face to see, G C G D7 G And in Thy pres-ence rest.
Top242. Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
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Top243. King of Glory, King of Peace
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Top244. My Song Shall Be of Jesus
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G D G More about Jesus, I would know, More of His grace to others show; G D7 G More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. G D G More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus; G D7 G More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me.
Top246. Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb
C G C F C Dm C Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, C G C F G C Worthy, worthy is the Lamb, That was slain. C F C F G C Glory, halle-lu-jah! Praise Him, halle-lujah! C F C F G C Glory, halle-lu-jah! To the Lamb!
Top247. Come, My Way
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G D G There is a Name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; G Am G D7 G It sounds like music in my ears, The sweetest Name on earth. G D G O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, G B Em G7 Am G D7 G O how I love Je-sus, Because He first loved me.
Top249. Praise Him! Praise Him!
G C G Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Re-deemer! Em A7 D Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love pro-claim! G C G Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory; G7 C G D7 G Strength and honor give to His holy Name! D G D D7 G D7 Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His chil-dren, G Em A7 D In His arms He carries them all day long: G C G Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness. G7 C G D7 G Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!
Top250. O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
D7 G D G D7 Em D G D7 G D O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Re-deem-er’s praise, D G C G D7 G The glories of my God and King, the triumphs of His grace!
Ab I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today; Ab C7 Fm Bb Eb7 I know that He is living, what-ever men may say; Ab I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer Bb Bb Eb And just the time I need Him He’s always near. Ab Ab7 Db Ab He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives to-day! Eb7 Ab Bb7 Eb7 He walks with me and talks with me a-long life’s narrow way. Ab Ab7 Db C He lives, He lives, sal-vation to im-part! F7 Bb7 Ab Eb7 Ab You ask me how I know He lives? He lives with-in my heart.
Top252. Come, Let Us Sing
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Top253. There’s No Other Name Like Jesus
F C7 F There’s no other name like Jesus, ’Tis the dearest name we know, F C7 F ’Tis the angel’s joy in heaven, ’Tis the Christian’s joy below. F C7 F Sweet name, dear name, There’s no other name like Jesus; F C7 F Sweet name, dear name, There’s no other name like Je-sus.
Top254. The Great Physician Now Is Near
Db Ab Db The great Physi-cian now is near, Ab7 Db The sympathizing Je- sus; Db Ab Db He speaks the droop-ing heart to cheer, Ab7 Db O hear the voice of Je- sus. Db Gb Db Sweetest note in seraph song, Gb Db Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Db Ab Db Sweetest car-ol ever sung, Ab7 Db Jesus, blessed Je- sus.
G F G C G7 C F C F I can-not tell why He whom angels wor-ship G F C Dm7 C Am G C D7 Gsus G Should set His love up-on the souls of men, G7 Am G C G7 C F C C7 F C Dm7 Or why as Shep-herd He should seek the wanderers, G7 F Dm7 C Am F Dm G7 C Dm7 C F To bring them back, they know not how nor when. G7 Am7 G7 C Dm7 C Em7 F Em Am C Em Am7 But this I know, that He was born of Mary C F E7 Am G Am Em G7 Em7 Am Gsus G When Beth-lehem’s man - ger was His on- ly home, G Am7 G C E G7 C F Dm7 C Em Am Am7 D7 And that He lived at Naz-a-reth and la - bored; Fm C F C C7 Dm Am Dm G7 C And so the Sav-ior, Sav-ior of the world, has come.
G D G D/F# Em Am/C D G Ye servants of God, your Mas-ter pro-claim, D/F# G D/F# A7/E D G/B D/F# C/G A7 D And pub-lish a - broad His won- der-ful name; B Em D7/E B/D Em C G D/F# A7/E D The name all- vic-to-rious of Je-sus ex - tol, G/B C2 D7/A C/G D7/F# G C Am D G His king-dom is glorious, He rules o- ver all.
Top257. Come Down, O Love Divine
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G D7 G C Bap-tize us anew With power from on high, C G D7 G D G D With love, O re-fresh us! Dear Savior, draw nigh. G C G We humbly beseech Thee, Lord Jesus, we pray, G G7 C G D7 G With love and the Spirit bap-tize us to-day.
Top259. Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether
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Top260. Hover O’er Me, Holy Spirit
F C7 F C Hover o’er me, Holy Spirit, Bathe my trembling heart and brow; F C7 F C7 F Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, Come, O come and fill me now. C F Bb F C Fill me now, fill me now, Jesus, come and fill me now. F C7 F C7 F Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, Come, O come and fill me now.
Top261. The Spirit of the Lord Revealed
F Gm F C Dm G C C7 F C7 F Bb Csus C F The Spir-it of the Lord re-vealed His will to saints of old; F Gm F C Dm G C C7 F C7 F Bb Csus C F Their heart and mind and lips un-sealed His glo- ry to un - fold. D Gm Dsus D Gm Cm D Bb2 Gm D7 Gm Cm D Gm Amid the gloom of an-cient night They hailed the dawn-ing Word, Dm C Gm F C Dm G C C7 F Gm F Bb Csus C F And in the com-ing of the light Pro-claimed the com-ing Lord.
F Gm7 F Bb F C F Cm D7 There’s a sweet, sweet spir-it in this place, D7 Gm F Gm F C7 F Bb F And I know that it’s the spirit of the Lord; F Gm7 F Bb F C F Cm D7 There are sweet ex-pres-sions on each face, D7 Gm F Gm F C7 F Bb F Am C7 And I know they feel the presence of the Lord. F Bb F Bb F Sweet Ho-ly Spirit, Sweet Heaven-ly Dove, F A Dm Dm7 G7 C Dm7 C C7 Stay right here with us, Filling us with Your love, F Bb F A A7 Dm C7 Bb And for these blessings We lift our hearts in praise, Bb F A Dm F A7 Dm Without a doubt we’ll know That we have been re-vived Gm7 F Dm Gm7 C7 F When we shall leave this place.
Top263. Fire of God, Thou Sacred Flame
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Top264. O for That Flame of Living Fire
Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Eb O for that flame of liv-ing fire Ab Db Bbm Ab Eb Ab Which shone so bright in saints of old; Eb Ab Bbm Ab Eb Which bade their souls to heaven as-pire, Ab Db Bbm Ab Eb Ab Calm in dis-tress, in dan-ger bold!
Top265. Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Db Dbdim Db Breathe on me, breath of God, Gb Ab7 Db Eb7 Ab Fill me with life a-new, Ab Ab7 Gb Ab7 Adim7 Bbm That I may love what Thou dost love, Bbm7 Ebm7 Fm Ab7 Db And do what Thou wouldst do.
Top266. Spirit of God
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Top267. Spirit Divine
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Top268. Holy Spirit, Light Divine
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G Am E Am D G Am7 G D G A7 D Come, Holy Spir-it, heaven-ly Dove, With all Thy quick-ening powers; Am E7 Am A7 D A7 D D7 G C2 C G D G Kindle a flame of sa-cred love In these cold hearts of ours.
Top270. O Holy Dove of God Descending
C G Am Em Fmaj7 Dm G Am G O ho-ly Dove of God de-scen-ding, C G Am Em Fmaj7 Dm G Am C You are the love that knows no end- ing. F Dm Em7 Am Dm Dm7 G C All of our shat-tered dreams You’re mending: Dm7 C Dm7 F2 F G C Spir-it, now live in me.
Top271. Break Thou the Bread of Life
D G D Bm6 A Break Thou the bread of life, dear Lord, to me, D Em6 D Dm6 Am Esus E7 A As Thou didst break the loaves be- side the sea; A7 D A7 G D A Esus E7 A A7 Be-yond the sa-cred page I seek thee, Lord; D A7 D Em Em7 A7 D My spir-it pants for Thee, O Living Word!
G D G Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming, C G D To cheer the wand’rer lone and tempest tossed; G D G No storm can hide that radiance peaceful beaming, C D G Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost. G C Give me the Bible, holy message shining; G A D Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way; G D G Precept and promise, law and love com-bining, C D G Till night shall vanish in eternal day.
Top273. Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice
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Top274. O Word of God Incarnate
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Top275. O God of Light
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Top276. Thanks to God
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Top277. For Your Holy Book We Thank You
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Top278. Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men
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G D Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There’s mercy with the Lord, G C G D7 G And He will surely give you rest, By trusting in His word. G C G D Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now; G C G D7 G He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now.
Top280. Come, Ye Sinners
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Top281. I Gave My Life for Thee
Eb7 Ab Db Ab Bb7 Eb I gave my life for thee, My precious blood I shed, Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab That thou might’st ransom be, And quickened from the dead; Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Eb Eb7 Ab I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou given for Me? Ab Eb Db Ab Eb Eb7 Ab I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou given for Me?
Top282. I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
Db Ab Db I hear Thy welcome voice, That calls me, Lord, to Thee; Db Ab Db For cleansing in Thy precious blood, That flowed on Calva-ry. Db Gb Db Ab I am coming, Lord! Coming now to Thee! Db Ab7 Db Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Calva-ry.
Top283. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
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F C7 F I have a Savior, He’s pleading in glory, F C G7 C A dear, loving Savior, though earth friends be few; C7 F C7 F And now He is watching in tenderness o’er me, Bb F G7 F C7 F But oh that my Sav-ior were your Savior, too. F Bb F Bb F C7 For you I am praying, For you I am pray-ing, Dm Bb F C7 F For you am I praying, I’m praying for you.
Ab Eb7 Ab Abaug Db C Jesus calls us o’er the tumult of our life’s wild, restless sea; F7 Bb Bb7 Eb7 Ab Ab7 Db Eb7 Ab Day by day his sweet voice soundeth, saying, "Christian, follow me!"
Top286. Wonderful Words of Life
F C7 F Sing them over a-gain to me, wonderful words of life, F C7 F Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life; F Bb F Bb F Words of life and beau-ty teach me faith and du-ty. C7 F C7 F Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life, C7 F C7 F Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life.
G C G Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, G A7 D Calling for you and for me; G C At the heart’s portals He’s waiting and watching, G C G D7 G Watching for you and for me. G D7 G D7 G Come home, come home; D E A7 D A7 D7 Ye who are weary come home; G C G Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, G C G D7 G Calling, O sinner, come home!
Eb I am going to Calvary, Ab Fm Bb Would you like to come with Me Cm Bb Eb All the way and back a-gain? Ab Fm Bb Eb You must follow the Leader then. Eb Cm Ab Fm You must follow the Lead-er, Bb Bb7 Eb Bb You must follow the Lead-er, Cm Gm7 Cm7 All the way and back a-gain, Ab Fm Bb Eb You must follow the Lead-er.
F D7 Gm D7 Gm The Savior is waiting to enter your heart C F Why don’t you let Him come in? F D7 Gm D7 Gm There’s nothing in this world to keep you a- part C C7 F What is your answer to Him? Bb Gm Am Dm Time after time He has waited be-fore Gm Gm7 C Bb C7 F And now He is wait-ing a- gain F7 Bb Gm Am D7 To see if you are willing to open the door Gm C7 F Oh, how He wants to come in.
Top290. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
F Bb Gm O soul, are you weary and trou-bled? F C7 F No light in the darkness you see? F Bb F G7 C There’s light for a look at the Sa-vior, F G7 D7 C G7 C And life more a- bun-dant and free! F C Dm F7 Turn your eyes upon Je-sus, Bb G7 C Look full in His wonder-ful face; F A7 Dm F7 Bb And the things of earth will grow strange-ly dim F C7 F In the light of His glory and grace.
Top291. We Have Not Known Thee
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G C G Out of my bondage, sorrow and night, G D7 G Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; G C G Into Thy freedom, gladness and light, G D7 G Jesus, I come to Thee; C G Out of my sickness into Thy health, C A7 D D7 Out of my want and into Thy wealth, G C G Out of my sin and into Thy-self, G D7 G Jesus, I come to Thee.
Top293. Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now
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Bb Eb Bb Would you be free from the burden of sin? F Bb There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood; Bb Eb Bb Would you o’er evil a victory win? F F7 Bb There’s wonderful power in the blood. Bb Eb Bb There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder working pow’r F7 Bb In the blood of the Lamb; Bb Eb Bb There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder working pow’r F7 Bb F7 Bb In the precious blood of the Lamb.
Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Db Eb7 Ab Chief of sin-ners though I be, Jesus shed His blood for me; Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Died that I might live on high, Died that I might nev-er die, Ab Eb Ab Db Ab Ab Db Eb7 Ab As the branch is to the vine, I am His, and He is mine.
Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb I’ve wandered far a-way from God, Now I’m coming home; Eb7 Ab Db Ab Fm Eb7 Ab The paths of sin too long I’ve trod; Lord, I’m coming home. Ab Db Ab Eb Coming home, coming home Never more to roam; Ab Db Ab Fm Eb7 Ab Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord I’m coming home.
Top297. God Be Merciful to Me
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Top298. I Lay My Sins on Jesus
F Am C7 A7 Dm I lay my sins on Je-sus, Gm7 C7 F Bb Csus C The spotless Lamb of God; F7 Gm7 F7 Bb Gdim He bears them all, and frees us F C7 Am7 Dm From the ac-cursed load, Gm7 C7 F From the ac-cursed load.
Top299. Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
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Bb Eb Bb F7 Bb Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide my-self in Thee; Bb F7 Bb F7 Bb Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed, Bb Eb Bb Gm Bb F7 Bb Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
Db Ab Bbm Gb Db Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart, Gb Db Bbm Eb Eb7 Ab Draw me, my Savior, so pre-cious Thou art; Db Ab Db Gb Ab7 Db Ab Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast, Db Gb Db Ab Db Shel-ter me safe in that haven of rest, Gb Db Cm Db Ab7 Db Shelter me safe in that ha-ven of rest.
A E A In the blood from the cross, I have been washed from sin; A Bm E7 A But to be free from dross, Still I would enter in. A D A E Deeper yet, deeper yet, Into the crimson flood; A D A E7 A Deeper yet, deeper yet, Under the precious blood.
Top303. Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Db Dbdim6 Db Ab7 Ebm7 Ab7 Db Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand, F7 Bbm F7 Bbm Bb7 Ebm Bbm Ebm7 Gb F The shadow of a might-y rock with-in a weary land; Db Gb Db Gb Db7 Gb Bb Ebm A home within the wil-der-ness, a rest up-on the way, Ab7 Db Db Gb Db Ab7 Db From the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day.
G Am D7 G Faith of our fathers, liv-ing still, C G A7 D In spite of dungeon, fire and sword; G Am D7 G O how our hearts beat high with joy C G A7 D7 G Whenever we hear that glo-rious Word! C G D7 G Faith of our fathers, holy faith! G C Em D D7 G We will be true to thee till death.
F C F Am Em F G6 C In the morning, when I rise, In the morning, when I rise F C C7 F G7 C F C In the morning, when I rise, Give me Je- sus. C G C G7 F G7 C F C7 Give me Je- sus, Give me Je- sus. C7 F C G6 G7 C F C You can have all this world, Give me Je- sus.
G D7 G I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice, C G And it told Thy love to me; D7 G But I long to rise in the arms of faith C Am D D7 G And be clos-er drawn to Thee. G C G Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, C G D7 G D To the cross where Thou hast died. G C Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, G D G To Thy precious, bleeding side.
Top307. I Am Coming to the Cross
F C7 F C I am coming to the cross; I am poor and weak and blind; F C7 F Bb F C7 F I am counting all but dross; I shall full sal-vation find. F C7 F C I am trusting, Lord, in Thee. O thou Lamb of Calva-ry; F C7 F Bb F C7 F Humbly at Thy cross I bow. Save me, Jesus, save me now.
G D7 G D Em D7 Em7 D7 G I would be, dear Savior, whol-ly Thine; Teach me how, teach me how; G D7 G D7 Em G D7 G I would do Thy will, O Lord, not mine; Help me, help me now. G D7 G D G Wholly Thine, wholly Thine, Wholly Thine, this is my vow; G D7 Em G D7 G Wholly Thine, wholly Thine, Wholly Thine, O Lord, just now.
D G D A7 D G A D All to Je-sus I surrender; all to Him I freely give; D G D A7 D G A D I will e-ver love and trust him, in His presence daily live. D A7 D I surrender all, I surrender all, D G D D/F# G D/A A D All to thee, my blessed Savior, I sur-render all.
Top310. I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus
Bb F7 Bb Bbdim6 F7 Bb I would draw nearer to Je-sus, In His sweet presence a-bide, D7 Gm C C7 F F7 Constantly trying to serve Him, Safe and se-cure at His side. Bb D Eb C7 F7 I would draw nearer to Je-sus, I would draw nearer to Him; Bb Eb Bb F F7 Bb Fully sur-rendered each moment, I would draw nearer to Him.
G Gdim G Am7 D7 Earthly pleasures vainly call me; I would be like Je- sus; D7 Ddim6 D7 G D G A7 D Nothing worldly shall enthrall me; I would be like Jesus. G C G A7 D D7 G Be like Je-sus, this my song, In the home and in the throng; G D G G7 C G D7 G Be like Je-sus, all day long! I would be like Je-sus.
F Bb F C7 Bb F C Je-sus, keep me near the cross; there a precious foun-tain, F Bb F C7 Bb F C7 F Free to all, a healing stream, flows from Calvary’s moun-tain. F Bb F Bb F C In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ev-er, F Bb F A7 Bb F C7 F Till my rap-tured soul shall find rest beyond the ri-ver.
Top313. Just as I Am
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D A A7 D Just as I am, with-out one plea, D A D A7 G D But that Thy blood was shed for me, D G And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, G D A D O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
F Bb F Bb O for a closer walk with God, D Gm D7 Gm Bdim6 F C A calm and heaven-ly frame, C7 F Gm7 Bb F Bb D Gm A light to shine up-on the road Gm F C7 F That leads me to the Lamb!
Top316. Live Out Thy Life Within Me
D G D A D Em D A7 D Live out Thy life within me, O Jesus, King of kings! A7 D F#7 Gsus G D Bm A D E7 A Be Thou Thy-self the an - swer to all my ques-tion-ings; A D A7 D G D Bm B Em Live out Thy life within me, in all things have Thy way! A D G D Gmaj7 Em G Em7 D A7 D I, the trans-par-ent med - ium, Thy glory to dis-play.
Db Gb Db Ab King of my life, I crown Thee now, Thine shall the glory be; Db Gb Db Ab7 Db Lest I forget Thy thorn crowned brow, Lead me to Cal-va- ry. Ab Ab7 Db Ab Ab7 Db Lest I for-get Geth-semane, Lest I for-get Thine agony; Bbm F7 Gb Db Ab7 Db Lest I for-get Thy love for me, Lead me to Cal-va- ry.
G D G D7 G Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; G D G D7 G I want Thee for-ever to live in my soul; G C G Break down every idol, cast out every foe; G D7 G Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. D7 Em C G Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; G C G D7 G Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Top319. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
Eb Bb Eb Ab Eb Lord, I want to be a Chris-tian in my heart, in my heart, Eb Bb Cm Ab Eb Ab Eb Lord, I want to be a Chris-tian in my heart. Eb Ab Eb Cm In my heart, in my heart, Eb Bb Cm Ab Eb Lord, I want to be a Chris-tian in my heart.
Eb Ab Bb Ab Eb Cm Bb Eb Lord of cre-a- tion, to you be all praise! Eb Bb Fm Bb Eb Bb Cm Bb Eb Bb Most mighty your work-ing, most won-drous your ways! Eb Ab Eb Bb Cm Gm Ab Your glory and might are be-yond us to tell, Bb7 Eb Bb Cm Eb Fm Ab Eb And yet in the heart of the hum-ble you dwell.
F Bb F C7 F My Je-sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; F Bb F C7 F For Thee all the follies of sin I re-sign. F Bb F C7 F C F Bb F C7 My gra-cious Re-deem-er, my Sav-ior art Thou; F Bb F C7 F If ev-er I loved thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.
F Bb F Nothing between my soul and my Savior, F Gm F7 Dm Dm7 G7 C Naught of this world’s de- lusive dream; F Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 F Bb F I have re - nounced all sinful pleasure; F Bb F C7 F Jesus is mine, there’s nothing be-tween. F Bb Gm F C7 F No-thing be-tween my soul and my Savior, F Bb Gm F2 F G G7 Csus C So that His blessed face may be seen; F Fmaj7 F7 Bb F Nothing pre - venting the least of His favor; F Bbmaj7 E7 F Dm7 Gm7 C7 F Keep the way clear! Let nothing be-tween.
Top323. O for a Heart to Praise My God!
G D G C G Em A7 D O for a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, D7 G D7 G Em B B7 Em Am G E7 D7 G A heart that al-ways feels Thy blood So free-ly shed for me.
Top324. Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be
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Top325. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
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Top326. Open My Eyes That I May See
Ab Eb7 Ab Open my eyes, that I may see Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; C7 Fm C7 Fm Bb Bb7 Eb Place in my hands the wonderful key That shall unclasp and set me free. Ab Eb7 Ab Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see; Ab Ab7 Db Eb7 Ab Open my eyes, il-lumine me, Spirit Di-vine!
C C7 F C I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold; C G7 C G G7 I’d rather be His than have rich-es un-told; C C7 F C I’d rather have Jesus than houses or land; C C7 F C G7 C I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand. C G7 C G7 Am F C G7 C G7 F C Than to be the king of a vast do-main or be held in sin’s dread sway! C C7 F C G7 F C I’d rather have Jesus than any-thing this world af-fords to-day.
Top328. Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone
G C G D Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? G C G D7 G No, there’s a cross for everyone, and there’s a cross for me.
Top329. Take the World, but Give Me Jesus
F C7 F Take the world, but give me Jesus, All its joys are but a name; F C7 F But His love abideth ever, Through eternal years the same. Bb F C G7 C Oh, the height and depth of mercy! Oh, the length and breadth of love! F C7 F Oh, the fullness of re-demption, Pledge of endless life a-bove!
Top330. Take My Life and Let It Be
F C F Dm Bb Gm Csus C F Take my life, and let it be Con-se-cra-ted, Lord, to Thee; F C C7 Fsus F Bb F C F Csus C Take my hands, and let them move At the im-pulse of Thy love; Dm C F Bb F Csus C F At the im-pulse of Thy love.
Top331. O Jesus, I Have Promised
F C C7 F O Jesus, I have prom-ised To serve Thee to the end; F D7 Gm G C Be Thou forever near me, My Master and my Friend; E F C C7 F I shall not fear the bat-tle If Thou art by my side, D7 Gm F C7 F Nor wander from the path-way If Thou wilt be my Guide.
D G D A Oh now I see the crimson wave, The fountain deep and wide; D G D A7 D Jesus, my Lord, might-y to save, Points to His wound-ed side. D G D A A7 G D The cleansing stream I see, I see, I plunge, and O, it cleanseth me! D G D A A7 D O praise the Lord! it cleanseth me, It cleanseth me, yes, cleanseth me.
Top333. On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s Cry
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Top334. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
A7 D A D G A7 D Come, thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace; A7 D A D G A7 D Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise. D G D G D Teach me ever to a-dore Thee, May I still Thy goodness prove, A7 D A D G A7 D While the hope of endless glory Fills my heart with joy and love.
Top335. What a Wonderful Savior
D G D Em D A Christ has for sin a-tonement made, What a wonderful Savior! A7 D G D Em D A7 D We are redeemed! the price is paid! What a won-derful Sav-ior! D A D What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus! D G D A7 D What a won-derful Savior is Je-sus, my Lord!
Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb There is a fountain filled with blood Bb Eb Bb F Drawn from Emman-uel’s veins; Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb And sin-ners plunged be-neath that flood Bb F7 Bb F7 Bb Eb Bb Lose all their guilty stains. F7 Bb F7 Bb Eb Lose all their guilt-y stains, Eb Bb Eb Bb F Lose all their guilt-y stains; Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb And sin-ners plunged be-neath that flood F7 Bb F7 Bb Eb Bb Lose all their guilty stains.
A E A Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! Re-deemed by the blood of the Lamb; A E7 A Redeemed through His infinite mercy, His child and forever I am. A D A E A Re-deemed, re-deemed, Re-deemed by the blood of the Lamb; A D A E7 A Re-deemed, re-deemed, His child and forever I am.
Bb Eb Gm Cm Re-deemed, how I love to pro-claim it! Cm7 Fm Bb7 Cm7 Ab2 Ab Re- deemed by the blood of the Lamb; Ab2 Cm Cm7 Gm Cm Re- deemed thro’ His infinite mercy, Cm7 Ab Fm Ab Eb His child, and for-ever, I am. Eb Ab Fm Bb7 Gm7 Eb Re-deemed, re- deemed, Bb7 Cm F7 Bb Bb7 Re- deemed by the blood of the Lamb; Bb7 Eb Fm7 Gm G7 Re- deemed, how I love to pro-claim it! G7 Ab Fm7 Eb His child and for-ever I am.
Top339. God Is My Strong Salvation
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F C We have heard a joyful sound, Jesus saves, Jesus saves; C7 F C C7 F Spread the gladness all around, Jesus saves, Jesus saves; Bb F C Bear the news to every land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves, C F C Bb F C C7 F Onward, ’tis our Lord’s command, Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
G D7 G D G To God be the glory, great things He hath done! C G A D So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, D7 G D7 G D G Who yield-ed His life an a-tonement for sin, G7 C D7 G D7 G And opened the lifegate that all may go in. G D Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice! D7 G D7 G Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people re-joice! D7 G D7 G D G O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son, G7 C D7 G D7 G And give Him the glory, great things He hath done!
Top342. Is This a Day of New Beginning?
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Top343. I Will Sing of My Redeemer
G D D7 G I will sing of my Re-deemer, And His wondrous love to me; G D D7 G On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. G C G D7 G Sing, oh sing, of my Re-deemer, With His blood, He purchased me. G C G D7 G On the cross, He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt, and made me free.
Top344. I Love Your Kingdom, Lord
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Top345. Christ Is the World’s True Light
C G7 C F Christ is the world’s true light, D7 G G7 C G7 C G7 C Its cap-tain of sal-va - tion, C F Dm7 G7 C The day-star clear and bright G C2 D7 G Am7 G D7 G Of ev-ery man and na - tion; G7 C C7 F New life, new hope a- wakes F Dm D7 G Am7 G Wher-e’er men own His sway: C F C Dm Em Am Free-dom her bond-age breaks, G C F Dm7 G7 C And night is turned to day.
Top346. Lord, Who Dost Thou Give to Thy Church
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Top347. Built on the Rock
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Top348. The Church Has One Foundation
D G D A7 D Em D A7 D The church has one founda-tion ’Tis Jesus Christ her Lord; A7 D F#7 Gsus G D Bm A D E7 A She is His new cre-a - tion by wa-ter and the Word. A D A7 D G D Bm B Em From heaven He came and sought her to be his ho-ly bride; A D G D Gmaj7 Em G Em7 D A7 D With His own blood He bought her, and for her life He died.
C G Am F G Am Fmaj7 E God is love, and where true love is Am C Gsus G C God Him-self is there. C F C Dm7 C Am Dm C F C Gsus G C Here in Christ we gath-er, love of Christ our call - ing. C Am G Am7 D Em Am G C Em Dsus D G Christ, our love, is with us, glad-ness be His greet- ing. C Em7 Am G C Em F C Dm C Am Am Esus E7 Am Let us fear Him, yes, and love Him, God e- ter - nal. Am G C Dm7 Em Asus A Dm C F C Gsus G7 C Lov-ing Him, let each love Christ in all his breth - ren.
Top350. Blest Be the Tie That Binds
F C F F7 Bb F C Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; C C7 F C C7 F Bb F Bb F C7 F The fel-low-ship of kin-dred minds is like to that a- bove.
Top351. Thy Hand, O God Has Guided
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Top352. This Is My Will
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Top353. Father, Help Your People
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Top354. Thy Love, O God
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Top355. Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life
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Top356. All Who Love and Serve Your City
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Top357. Come, Labor On
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Top358. Far and Near the Fields Are Teeming
F Bb F G7 C Far and near the fields are teeming with the sheaves of rip-ened grain; F Bb F Bb F C7 F Far and near their gold is gleaming O’er the sun-ny slope and plain. F C7 F Bb F C Lord of harvest, send forth reapers! Hear us Lord, to Thee we cry; F Bb F Bb F C7 F Send them now the sheaves to gather, Ere the har-vest-time pass by.
Top359. Hark! the Voice of Jesus Calling
Db Gb Db Hark! the voice of Jesus call-ing, Gb Db Ab7 Db Ab “Who will go and work to-day? Db Gb Db Fields are white, the harvest wait-ing, Gb Db Db Ab7 Db Who will bear the sheaves a - way?” Db Gb Db Loud and long the Mas-ter calleth, Db Ab7 Ebsus Eb7 Ab Rich re-ward He of - fers free; Db Gb Db Who will answer, gladly say-ing, Gb Db Ab7 Db “Here am I, O Lord, send me”?
Top360. From the Eastern Mountains
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Top361. Hark! ’Tis the Shepherd’s Voice I Hear
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Top362. Lift High the Cross
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Top363. Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
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Top364. O Jesus Christ, to You
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Ab Eb7 Ab Eb7 Ab Eb7 Fm O Zi-on, haste, thy mission high fulfill-ing, Db Ab Eb7 Ab To tell to all the world that God is light, Ab Bm7 Ab C Fm Fm7 C7 Fm That He who made all na-tions is not wil-ling Bb Eb Bb7 Eb Cm Fm Bb7 Eb One soul should per-ish, lost in shades of night. Eb7 Ab Eb7 Ab Ab7 Publish glad tidings, Tidings of peace; F7 Bbm Db Ab Eb7 Ab Tidings of Je- sus, re-demption and release.
Top366. O Where Are the Reapers?
D G C G O where are the reapers that gar-ner in D G C G The sheaves of the good from the fields of sin? C With sickles of truth must the work be done, G C G D7 G And no one may rest till the “har-vest home.” D G D G Where are the reapers? O who will come D7 G D And share in the glory of the “harvest home”? G C O who will help us to garner in G C G D7 G The sheaves of good from the fields of sin?
Bb Rescue the perishing, Eb Bb Care for the dy-ing; F Bb F C7 F Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Bb Weep o’er the erring one, F Bb Lift up the fal-len, F Bb Eb F7 Bb Tell them of Jesus, the might-y to save. F Bb Rescue the perishing, F Bb Care for the dying; Eb Bb Jesus is merciful, Eb F7 Bb Jesus will save.
Top368. Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet
Ab Db Bb Eb Watchman, blow the gospel trumpet, Every soul a warning give; Ab Eb Bb Eb Whosoever hears the message May repent, and, turn and live. Db7 Ab Fm Db C Blow the trumpet, trusty watchman, Blow it loud o’er land and sea; Ab Ab7 Db Ab Eb7 Ab God commissions, sound the mes - sage! Every captive may be free.
Top369. Bringing in the Sheaves
Bb Eb Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, Bb F Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve, Bb Bb7 Eb Waiting for the harvest and the time of reaping – Bb F7 Bb We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bb Eb Bb Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, Bb C7 F We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bb Eb Bb Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, Bb F7 Bb We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
F Gm C F F C F C7 F C Christ for the world we sing, The world to Christ we bring, F C With loving zeal; C C7 F C C7 F The poor, and them that mourn, The faint and overborne, F Gm C C7 F Sin-sick and sorrow-worn, Whom Christ doth heal.
Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb Lift Him up, ’tis He that bids you, Let the dying look and live; Eb Bb7 Eb Bb F7 Bb To all weary, thirsting sinners, Living waters will He give; Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb And though once so meek and lowly, Yet the Prince of heaven was He; Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb And the blind, who grope in darkness, Through the blood of Christ shall see. Eb Ab Eb Bb Eb Lift Him up, the risen Savior, High a-mid the waiting throng; Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Lift Him up, ’tis He that speaketh, Now He bids you flee from wrong.
Top372. How Beauteous Are Their Feet
F C F Bb F C How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zi-on’s hill; C F C F Dm C F Bb F C7 F Who bring sal-vation on their tongues, And words of peace re-veal!
Ab Db Seeking the lost, yes, kindly en-treating Db Ab Eb Wanderers on the mountain a-stray; Eb Eb7 Ab "Come unto Me," His message repeating, Db Ab Eb7 Ab Words of the Master speaking to-day. Ab Db Going a-far (going afar) Db Ab Upon the mountain (upon the mountain) Ab Eb7 Ab Bringing the wanderer back a-gain, back again, Ab Db Into the fold (into the fold) Db Ab Of my Redeemer (of my Redeemer) Ab Eb7 Ab Db Ab Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain, for sinners slain.
Top374. Jesus, With Thy Church Abide
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Top375. Work, for the Night Is Coming
Eb Ab Eb Cm Bb Eb Work for the night is com-ing, Work through the morn-ing hours; Eb Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Work while the dew is spark-ling; Work ‘mid spring-ing flow’rs. Bb Fm C7 Fm Bb Eb Cm F7 Bb Work when the day grows bright-er, Work in the glow-ing sun; Eb Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Work for the night is com-ing, When man’s work is done.
Ab Eb7 Ab Bbm Eb Fm All things are Thine; no gift have we, Bb7 Eb Cm Fm Eb Bb Eb Lord of all gifts, to of - fer Thee; Eb7 Ab Bbm Ab Db And hence with grateful hearts to-day, Eb Db Ab Bbm Eb Ab Thine own be-fore Thy feet we lay.
Top377. Go Forth, Go Forth With Christ
C G C Am Am7 Cmaj7 F C G7 C G Go forth, go forth with Christ, Who called you to this day, G C Am Em D D7 G C G D7 G He who has led, will lead And keep you in His way: C F G7 Am C G7 C F His word is fast, His pro-mise sure C F E Am Dm C G G7 C To all who serve Him and en - dure.
C F G7 C "Go, preach My gospel," saith the Lord; G7 Am G7 C Dm C G "Bid the whole world My grace re-ceive; G D G C D G He shall be saved who trusts My word, G7 C Dm C G7 C And they con-demned who dis-be-lieve.
Top379. We Give This Child to You
Eb Fm7 Bbsus Bb7 Eb We give this child to You, Fm7 G Cm Our precious gift of love. Cm7 Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Ab Help us to lead each step a- right Fm7 Cm7 Bbsus Bb7 Eb With guidance from a - bove.
Top380. Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose
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Top381. Holy Sabbath Day of Rest
Eb Ab Eb Bb Holy Sabbath day of rest, By our Master richly blest, Eb Ab Eb Bb Eb God created and di-vine, Set aside for holy time. Ab Eb Bb Yes, the holy Sabbath rest, By our God divinely blest, Eb Ab Eb Bb Eb It to us a sign shall be Throughout all e-terni-ty.
Top382. O Day of Rest and Gladness
Ab Db Eb Ab Fm Bbm Eb Ab Db Ab Db Eb Ab O day of rest and glad - ness, O day of joy and light, Ab Db Eb Ab Fm Bbm Eb Ab Db Fm Ebsus Eb Ab O balm of care and sad - ness, most beau-ti-ful, most bright; Ab Eb Ab Db Eb Eb Ab Eb Ab Db Eb On thee, the high and lowly, who bend be-fore the throne, Eb7 Ab Db Eb Ab Fm Bbm Eb Ab Db Fm Ebsus Eb Ab Sing, "Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly," to the E- ter - nal One.
Top383. O Day of Rest and Gladness
Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb O balm of care and sadness, most beautiful, most bright; Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb On thee, the high and lowly, who bend before the throne, Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Sing, "Holy, holy, holy," to the E- ter - nal One.
Top384. Safely Through Another Week
F C C7 F Safely through another week God has brought us on our way; F C F C G7 C Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in His courts to-day; C7 F C F C Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest: C7 F C F C7 F Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eter-nal rest.
Top385. Crowning Jewel of Creation
Ab Bb Bbm Ab Db Eb Ab Eb Ab Db Crowning jewel of cre-ation, Blest and hal-lowed, sancti-fied; Eb7 Cm7 Ab C C7 Fm Db Ab Db Eb7 Ab Bbm7 Ebsus Eb Time and chang-es all trans-cending, Shared for-ev-er, glo-ri - fied. Ab Bb Eb7 Ab Db C Fm Bb7 Fm7 Eb7 Ab Blessed Sabbath made for man, Gift from the Cre-a - tor’s hand.
Top386. The Sacred Anthem
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Top387. Come, O Sabbath Day
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Top388. Don’t Forget the Sabbath
Bb F Eb Bb Don’t forget the Sabbath, The Lord our God hath blest, Bb F C F Of all the week the brightest, Of all the week the best; F Bb F Bb It brings repose from labor, It tells of joy di-vine, Bb F7 Gm Eb Bb F Bb Its beams of light de-scend-ing, With heav’nly beauty shine. Bb Eb7 Gm Eb Bb F Eb Bb Welcome, welcome, ever welcome, Blessèd Sabbath day. Bb Eb7 Gm Eb Bb F7 Bb Welcome, welcome, ever welcome, Blessèd Sabbath day.
Top389. Light of Light, Enlighten Me
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Top390. We Love thy Sabbath, Lord
F Bb Bbm F C7 F Bb C We love Thy Sab-bath, Lord, And wor-ship at Thy will; F Bb Gm F Bb Gm F C7 F Oh may these hours sweet peace af-ford And deeper faith in-still.
Top391. Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest
G D Am7 D G D Am7 D7 G Welcome, welcome, day of rest, To the world in kind-ness given; D B Em D A7 D G D C D7 G Wel-come to this hum-ble breast, As the beaming light from heaven.
Top392. Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun
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F Bb C F C G7 C Lord of the Sabbath and its light, I hail Thy hallowed day of rest; C F C7 F D7 Gm Gm7 C7 F It is my weary soul’s de-light, The solace of my careworn breast, F Bb C F The solace of my care-worn breast.
F Bb C7 F F7 Bb C C7 F Far from all care we hail the Sabbath morn-ing; F A Dm Dm7 G G7 C O’er waving fields and from the distant sea F D D7 Gm F C Swell notes of praise in harmony re-sound-ing F F7 Gm Bb F C7 F As all cre-ation turns her heart to Thee.
Top395. As Birds Unto the Genial Homeland
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Top396. Lord God, Your Love Has Called Us Here
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Top397. An Upper Room
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Top398. Bread of the World
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Top399. Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite
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Top400. I Come With Joy
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Top401. In Imitation, Lord of Thee
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Top402. By Christ Redeemed
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Top403. Let Us Break Bread Together
Eb Cm Fm7 Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Let us break bread to-gether on our knees, Eb Cm F Bb Cm Bb Let us break bread to-gether on our knees. Eb Bbm C C7 Fm Fm7 Bb7 When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, Bb7 Eb Gm7 Ab Bb7 Ab Eb O Lord, have mercy on me.
Top404. Now Let Us From This Table Rise
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Top405. O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near
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Top406. Love Consecrates the Humblest Act
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Top407. Sent Forth by God’s Blessing
C7 F Am Dm Gm C Sent forth by God’s blessing, Our true faith con-fessing, C7 F Bb F C7 F The people of God from His dwelling take leave. C7 F Am Dm Gm C The supper is ended. Oh, now be ex-tended C7 F Bb F C7 F The fruits of this service in all who be-lieve. C7 F C7 The seed of His teaching, Re-ceptive souls reaching, C7 F Dm C G7 C Shall blossom in action for God and for all. C7 F Am Dm Gm C His grace did in-vite us, His love shall u-nite us C7 F Bb F C7 F To work for God’s kingdom and answer His call.
Top408. Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor
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Top409. Jesus Invites His Saints
G C D7 G G7 C G Am A#dim6 G D Jesus in-vites His saints To meet a-round His board, D7 G C D7 Em D G G7 Am G D7 G And sup in mem-ory of the death And sufferings of their Lord.
Top410. Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord
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Top411. The Son of God Proclaim
C F Bb Gm C The Son of God pro-claim, F Bb F Gm C F The Lord of time and space; Dm A A7 Dm Fmaj7 Bb Gm C The God who bade the light break forth F Dm F Csus C7 F Now shines in Je - sus’ face.
Db Ab Ab7 Look upon Jesus, sinless is He; Father, impute His life unto me. Db Gb Db Ab7 Db My life of scarlet, my sin and woe, Cover with His life, whiter than snow. Ab7 Db Gb Gb Db Eb Eb7 Ab Ab7 Cover with His life, whiter than snow; Fullness of His life then shall I know; Db Gb Db Ab7 Db My life of scarlet, my sin and woe, Cover with His life, whiter than snow.
Top413. God Has Spoken by His Prophets
Fm C Db Bbm6 C Fm Ab Eb Db C Fm Bbm C7 Fm God has spo-ken by His prophets, Spo-ken His un-chang-ing Word, Fm C Db Bbm6 C Fm Ab Eb Db C Fm Bbm C7 Fm Each from age to age pro-claiming God, the one, the righ-teous Lord. Ab Ebsus Eb Fm Csus C Fm Fm7 Bbm Db Fm Bbm C Mid the world’s de-spair and tur- moil, One firm an- chor hold-ing fast; Fm C Db Bbm6 C Fm Ab Eb Ab Db Bbm C7 Fm God is King, His throne e-ternal, God the first, and God the last.
Top414. Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing
C G7 F Cmaj7 F C Dm7 G7 C G Am Em Dm Am G Fruit-ful trees, the Spir-it’s sow-ing, May we rip-en and in-crease, G7 A7 Dm Dm7 G7 F G7 G#dim7 Am C7 F2 Dm C G7 C Fruit to life e - ter-nal grow-ing, Rich in love and joy and peace.
Top415. Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing
G C G Am G D Christ, the Lord, all power possess-ing, G C Am7 G D7 G Parting, mount-ed heav-en’s height, G C C Am G D Grac-ious hands out-stretched in bless-ing, G C G Am G D7 G Clouds re-ceived His from their sight. D7 G Christ ascended, Christ ascended, G D7 G D D7 Christ as-cended on the clouds. (on the clouds) G C G D7 G Christ ascend-ed on the clouds.
Db Gb Db The judgment has set, the books have been o- pened; Ab Db Ab7 Db How shall we stand in that great day, Db Gb Db When every thought, and word, and ac-tion, Ab Db Ab7 Db God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh? Db Gb Db How shall we stand in that great day? Db Gb Db How shall we stand in that great day? Db Gb Db Shall we be found before Him want-ing? Ab Db Ab7 Db Or with our sins all washed a - way?
Top417. O Solemn Thought
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Top418. Day of Judgment, Day of Wonders!
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Top419. Soon Shall the Trump of God
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Top420. Jerusalem, My Happy Home
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G Cmaj7 D7 G C G Am D G For all the saints who from their la-bors rest, G D A7 D G D Gmaj7 A7 D Who thee by faith be-fore the world con-fessed. D7 G C D G D D7 Thy name, O Jesus, be for-ev-er blest. G C Am G Em C G C G Dsus D7 G Al- le-lu-ia! Al- le-lu - ia!
F C7 F C Come ye that love the Lord, and let your joys be known, F Bb C G G7 C Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet ac-cord. F C F Gm7 F C7 F And thus sur-round the throne, and thus sur-round the throne. F C We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion; F Bb F C7 F We're marching upward to Zion; the beautiful city of God
Top423. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Adim Bb Glorious things of thee are spo-ken, Zi-on, cit-y of our God; Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Adim Bb He whose word can-not be bro-ken Formed thee for His own a - bode; Bb Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Bb Eb Fm Cm F7 Bb On the Rock of A - ges founded, What can shake thy sure re-pose? Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb Bb7 Eb Fm Eb Bb7 Eb With sal-va-tion’s wall sur-round-ed, Thou mayest smile at all thy foes.
Top424. For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country
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Top425. Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
D A7 D There is singing up in heaven such as we have never known, D G D A7 Where the angels sing the praises of the Lamb upon the throne; A7 D A7 D Their sweet harps are ever tuneful and their voices always clear, D A7 D O that we might be more like them while we serve the Master here! D A7 Bm A D Holy, holy, is what the angels sing, G D A E7 A And I expect to help them make the courts of heaven ring; A7 D A7 D But when I sing redemption’s story, they will fold their wings, G D A7 D A A7 D For angels never felt the joys that our sal-vation brings.
Ab Db Ab Db Ab Eb Fm Eb Ab I shall see the King where the an-gels sing, I shall see the King some day, Ab Db Ab Db Ab Eb Fm Eb Ab In the bet-ter land, on that gol-den strand, And with Him shall ev-er stay. Ab Db Ab In His glory, I shall see the King, And forever endless praises sing; Ab Db Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab ’Twas on Cal-va-ry Jesus died for me; I shall see the King some-day.
Db Ab7 Db In the land of fadeless day Gdim Db Ab7 Db Lies “the city four-square;” C7 Db It shall never pass a-way, Gdim Db Ab7 Db And there is “no night there.” Db Bb Ebm God shall “wipe a-way all tears;” Ab7 Db There’s no death, no pain, nor fears; Bbm Ebm And they count not time by years, Gb7 Db Ab7 Db For there is “no night there.”
G C G There’s a land that is fairer than day, G D And by faith we can see it a-far; G C G For the Father waits over the way G C D G To prepare us a dwell-ing place there. G D In the sweet by and by, D D7 G We shall meet on that beautiful shore; G C In the sweet by and by C G D7 G We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
C G C F C G C Je-ru-sa-lem the gold-en, E7 Am With milk and honey blest, F C E E7 Am G Be-neath thy con-tem-pla-tion C Am C G Am G Sink heart and voice op-pressed. G F C F E Am G I know not, O I know not C Dm D7 G What holy joys are there; G7 C E E7 Am G What radi-ancy of glo-ry, C Am C G C What bliss be-yond compare.
Bb F O there’ll be joy when the work is done, F Bb Joy when the reapers gather home, Bb Eb Bringing the sheaves at set of sun Bb G C7 F To the New Je-ru-sa-lem. Bb F Joy, joy, joy, there’ll be joy by and by, F7 Bb F Bb Joy, joy, joy, where the joys never die; Bb D Gm Bb7 Eb Joy, joy, joy, for the day draweth nigh Bb F7 Bb When the workers gather home.
Ab Ebsus Eb7 Come let us sing of home- land, Eb Eb7 Ab Down by the crystal sea; Db Eb7 Ab Wonderful land where Jesus Eb7 Bb7 Eb Eb7 Buildeth a mansion for me. Ab Db Ab Eb7 Over yon-der, down by the crystal sea, Eb7 Ab Db Ab Over yonder, there’s where I long to be, Ab Db Ab C Fm No more sor-row, toil, grief, nor care, Db G Ab In the homeland bright and fair, Db Ab B Eb7 Ab Db Ab O- ver, o-ver there.
Top432. Shall We Gather at the River
Db Shall we gather at the river, Ab7 Where bright angel feet have trod, Db With its crystal tide forever Ab Ab7 Db Flowing by the throne of God? Gb Db Yes, we’ll gather at the river, Ab7 Db The beautiful, the beautiful river; Gb Db Gather with the saints at the river Ab Ab7 Db That flows by the throne of God.
Top433. Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
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Top434. We Speak of the Realms
F We speak of the realms of the blest, Bb F C That country so bright and so fair, F And oft are its glories confessed- Bb F C F But what must it be to be there! F Bb We speak of its pathway of gold- Bb F C Its walls decked with jewels so rare, F Its wonders and pleasures untold- Bb F C F But what must it be to be there!
G When all my labors and trails are o’er, D7 G C G And I am safe on that beauti-ful shore, A A7 D Just to be near the Lord I adore, A A7 D D7 Will through the ages be glory for me. G D7 O that will be glory for me, D7 G Glory for me, glory for me, G C B When by His grace I shall look on His face, C G C G D7 G That will be glory, be glory for me.
Top436. The Homeland
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Top437. I’m Going Home
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Top438. You Will See Your Lord A-Coming
D G D You will see your Lord a-coming, A7 D You will see your Lord a-coming, G D You will see your Lord a-coming A D In a few more days. D A D Hear the band of music, A Bm A D Hear the band of music, D Hear the band of music A Bm A A7 D which is sounding thro’ the air.
Db Gb Db Ab Db How far from home? I asked, as on I bent my steps—the watchman spake: Db Gb Db Ab Db "The long, dark night is almost gone, The morning soon will break. Ab Db Ab Db Then weep no more, but speed thy flight, With Hope’s bright star thy guiding ray, Db Gb Db Ab Db Till thou shalt reach the realms of light, In everlasting day."
Top440. How Cheering Is the Christian’s Hope
D A D A D G D A7 D How cheer - - ing is the Chris - - tian’s hope, A D A D G D G A7 D While toil- ing here be-low! A D G (It bouys us up) A Em D It bouys us up while passing through D G D This wilderness of woe, Em A D A G D It buoys us up while passing through G D G A7 D This wil-der-ness of woe.
G D7 G D Em D D7 I saw one weary, sad, and torn, With eager steps press on the way, G D7 G C D7 G Who long the hallowed cross had borne, Still looking for the promised day; G D7 G D Em D D7 While many a line of grief and care, Up-on his brow, was furrowed there; G D7 G C D7 G I asked what buoyed his spirits up, O this! said he—the blessèd hope.
Top442. How Sweet Are the Tidings
Db Ab7 Db How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim’s ear, Db Bbm Ab As he wanders in exile from home! Db Ab7 Db Soon, soon will the Savior in glo-ry appear, Gb Db Ab Db And soon will the kingdom come. Db Gb Db He’s coming, coming, coming soon I know, Db Bb Ab Coming back to this earth again; Db Gb Db Ab7 Db And the weary pilgrims will to glory go, Gb Db Ab7 Db When the Savior comes to reign.
Top443. There’ll Be No Sorrow There
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F C I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger; F C C7 F I can tarry, I can tarry but a night; C F Do not de-tain me, for I am going C G C To where the fountains are ever flowing. F C I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger; F C C7 F I can tarry, I can tarry but a night.
Top445. I’m But a Stranger Here
F C7 F I’m but a stranger here, Gm F C F Heav’n is my home; F C7 F Earth is a desert drear, Gm F C F Heav’n is my home. F Bb F C7 Dan-ger and sorrow stand F C7 F Round me on every hand; Bb F Heav’n is my Fatherland, Dm Gm C7 F Heav’n is my home.
Top446. Lo, What a Glorious Sight Appears
D7 G D7 G Lo, what a glorious sight appears To our believing eyes! D7 G D7 G The earth and seas are passed away, And the old rolling skies. D7 G A7 D And the old rolling skies, And the old roll-ing skies; D7 G Am D7 G The earth and seas are passed away, And the old rolling skies. G D7 G O that will be joyful, joyful, joyful! G D7 G O that will be joyful When we meet to part no more! D G A7 D When we meet to part no more on Canaan’s hap-py shore; D7 G Am D7 G ’Tis there we’ll meet at Jesus’ feet, When we meet to part no more!
Top447. Long Upon the Mountains
F C F Long upon the mountains weary, C7 F Have the scattered flocks been torn; C F Dark the dessert paths, and dreary; C7 F Grievous trials have they borne. F Bb F Now the gathering call is sounding, Bb F Solemn in its warning voice; C F Union, faith, and love, a-bounding, C7 F Bid the little flock re-joice.
Top448. O, When Shall I See Jesus
Em D O when shall I see Jesus, and reign with Him above, Em Am Esus Em And shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning? Bm7 Em D And from the flowing fountain drink everlasting love! G Em A Am7 Esus Em And shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning? D7 Em D G D G D C O, shout, glo-ry! For I shall mount a-bove the skies, Em D Em C Am7 Esus Em When I hear the trumpet sound in that morning.
Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Bb There is a land of pure de-light, Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Where bliss e- ter-nal reigns, Eb Ab Eb Ab Bb Infinite day ex-cludes the night Bb7 Cm C Eb Bb7 Eb And plea-sures ban-ish pain. Eb Bb7 Eb Ab We’re trav’ling to Im-manuel’s land, Bb Cm7 Bb We soon shall hear the trum-pet sound, Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Bb And soon we shall with Je-sus reign, Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb And never, never part ag- ain. Eb Ab Fm What! Never part again? No, never part a-gain, Bb7 What! Never part again? No, never part again, Cm Eb Ab Eb Ab Bb And soon we shall with Je-sus reign, Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb And never, never part ag- ain.
D A A7 D Beautiful Zion, built a- bove, Bm A7 D A Beautiful city that I love, D G D D7 G A G Beauti-ful gates of pearl-y white, Dsus D Bm D A7 D Beautiful tem - ple, God its light.
Top451. Together Let Us Sweetly Live
C7 F C F Bb F To-gether let us sweet-ly live, Bb C7 F I am bound for the land of Canaan. C7 F C C7 F Bb F To-gether love to Je-sus give; Am Dm Bb D7 F I am bound for the land of Canaan. Bb C7 O Canaan, bright Ca-naan, C F C F Csus C I am bound for the land of C - anaan. C7 Dm F Gm7 C7 F Bb F O Ca-naan, it is my hap-py home, Am Dm Bb D7 F I am bound for the land of Canaan.
F C Dm Gm C F What heavenly music steals o- ver the sea! F C Dm Gm C7 F Entrancing the senses like sweet mel-o- dy! C F D Gm G7 F C Tis the voice of the angels born soft on the air C7 F C Dm Gm C7 F For me they are singing; their wel-come I hear
Top453. We Have Heard
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Top454. Don’t You See My Jesus Coming
D G D Don’t you see my Jesus com-ing, Em7 D G A7 D See Him come in yon-der cloud? D G D With ten thousand angels round Him, Em7 D G A7 D How they do my Je-sus crowd! A7 D A I am bound for the kingdom, A7 D A7 Will you go to glory with me? D Em7 A D Fm A7 D Hal-le- lu-jah! O praise ye the Lord!
Top455. Immortal Love, Forever Full
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F Bb F C7 Dm F7 Bb Bbm F I have a Friend so pre-cious, So very dear to me, F Bb F C7 F Dm G7 C He loves me with a ten-der love, He loves so faithful-ly; F C7 F C7 F F7 D Gm7 I could not live apart from Him, I love to feel Him nigh; C F C7 F And so we dwell together, My Lord and I.
Top457. I Love to Tell the Story
G I love to tell the story C G Of unseen things a-bove, D G Of Jesus and His glory, D Of Jesus and His love. D7 G I love to tell the story, Em B Be-cause I know ’tis true; C G It satisfies my longings D7 G As nothing else can do. D D7 G I love to tell the story, C G ’Twill be my theme in glory, C To tell the old, old story G D7 G Of Jesus and His love.
G C G D G More love to Thee, O Christ, G D A7 D More love to Thee! G C G D G Hear Thou the prayer I make D7 G D7 G On bend-ed knee. C G This is my ear-nest plea, D7 G More love, O Christ, to Thee; C G More love to Thee, Am G D G More love to Thee!
Top459. As the Bridegroom to His Chosen
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Top460. As Water to the Thirsty
C F Dm Gm7 F As water to the thirsty, as beauty to the eyes, Gm7 Dm A A7 Dm As strength that follows weakness, as truth in-stead of lies, Gm7 C Am Dm Gm7 C C7 As song-time and spring-time and summertime to be, Am Dm Gm C Bb Gm7 C7 F So is my Lord, my living Lord so is my Lord to me.
F C7 F C7 F C7 F Bb C7 C7 F Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side; F C7 F C7 F C7 F Bb C7 F Bear pa-tient-ly the cross of grief or pain; F Fmaj7 Dm F C C Gm Leave to thy God to or-der and pro-vide; Gm D Gm F Bb Gm A In ev-ery change He faithful will remain. F Fmaj7 Dm F C C Gm Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heaven-ly friend Gm D Gm F Csus C7 F Through thorn-y ways leads to a joy-ful end.
Top462. Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine
Db Gb Db Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Ab7 Eb7 Ab O, what a fore-taste of glory di-vine! Db Gb Db Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Db Gb Ebm7 Ab7 Db Born of His Spir-it, washed in His blood. Db Gb Db This is my story, this is my song, Gb Db Ab Eb Ab Praising my Sav-ior all the day long; Ab7 Db Gb Db This is my story, this is my song, Gb Ebm7 Ab7 Db Praising my Sav-ior all the day long.
Bb F F7 Bb Peace, per-fect peace, Bb Eb Cm Am7 F7 Bbsus Bb in this dark world of sin? Bb7 Eb Cdim Bb F7 The blood of Je-sus Bb Eb Bb F F7 Bb whis-pers peace with-in.
Top464. When I Can Read My Title Clear
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Top465. I Heard the Voice of Jesus
Em C D7 G Em D I heard the voice of Je-sus say, D7 G Am C Dsus D “Come unto Me and rest; G C2 C Am7 D G A7 D Lay down, thou wea-ry one, lay down D7 G Am Em Thy head up-on My breast.” Em Bm Em G Am D G I came to Je-sus as I was, G C Dsus D Weary and worn and sad; G C2 Am G Em7 D I found in Him a rest-ing place, D7 G Bm Am Em And He has made me glad.
G C G Far away in the depths of my spirit to-night, A7 D Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; G C In celestial like strains it un-ceasingly falls G D7 G O’er my soul like an infinite calm. C G Peace! Peace! wonderful peace, Em A7 D Coming down from the Father above; G C Sweep over my spirit for-ever, I pray, G D7 G In fathomless billows of love.
Top467. Life Is Great! So Sing About It
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Eb My Father is rich in houses and lands, Bb Eb He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! Eb Ab Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, Eb F7 Eb Bb7 Eb His coffers are full, He has riches un- told. Eb I’m a child of the King, A child of the King: Ab Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.
Top469. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
Ab Bbm Db What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Ab Eb Leaning on the everlasting arms; Ab Bbm Db What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Ab Eb7 Ab Leaning on the ever-lasting arms. Ab Db Ab Eb Ab Eb Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all a-larms; Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the ever-lasting arms.
Top470. There’s Sunshine in My Soul Today
G C G There’s sunshine in my soul tod-ay, D7 G C G More glorious and bright C G Than glows in any earthly sky, D A7 D For Jesus is my light. D7 G C G O there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine, D When the peaceful, happy moments roll D7 G C G C G When Jesus shows His smiling face C G D7 G There is sunshine in the soul.
Top471. Grant Us Your Peace
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Top472. A Song of Heaven and Homeland
F Sometimes I hear strange music, F7 Bb F Like none e’er heard be-fore, C F Come floating softly earthward G7 C7 As thro’ heav’n’s open door: F It seems like angel voices, F7 Bb F In strains of and love, Bb F That swell the mighty chorus Bb F C7 F A- round the throne a-bove. A Dm O sweet, celestial music, F C C7 F Heard from a land a-far- The song of Heav’n and Homeland, Bdim7 F C7 F Thro’ doors God leaves a-jar!
Top473. Nearer My God, to Thee
F C7 Dm Bb F C Near-er, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! F C7 Dm Bb F C C7 F E’en though it be a cross That rais-eth me, Bb F Still all my song shall be, Bb F C F C Near-er, my God, to Thee; F C7 Dm Bb F C C7 F Near-er, my God, to Thee, Near-er to Thee!
Top474. Take the Name of Jesus With You
Ab Take the name of Jesus with you, Db Ab Child of sorrow and of woe; Eb7 Ab It will joy and comfort give you, Eb7 Ab Take it, where’er you go. Db Ab Precious name, O how sweet! Eb Hope of earth and joy of heaven; Eb7 Ab Db Precious name, O how sweet! Ab Eb7 Ab Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Top475. Balm in Gilead
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Top476. Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary
F C7 Days are filled with sor-row and care, F Hearts are lonely and drear; Bb F Burdens are lifted at Calvary, C7 F F7 Jesus is very near. Bb F Burdens are lifted at Calvary, C7 F Calvary, Calvary; Bb F Burdens are lifted at Calvary, C7 F Bb F Jesus is very near.
Top477. Come, Ye Disconsolate
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C F C G Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer That calls me from a world of care C F C G C And bids me at my Father’s throne Make all my wants and wishes known C G In seasons of distress and grief My soul has often found re-lief C F C G C And oft escaped the tempter’s snare By Thy return, sweet hour of prayer
Bb F Bb Be silent, be silent, A whisper is heard, Eb Bb F C7 F Bb F7 Be silent, and listen, Oh, trea-sure each word! F7 Bb Eb F F7 Bb Tread softly, tread softly, The Mas-ter is here, Eb Bb F F7 Bb Tread softly, tread softly, He bids us draw near.
Eb Ab Bb Eb Dear Lord and Father of man-kind, Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb For-give our fool-ish ways; Ab Fm Fm7 Bb Gm Re-clothe us in our rightful mind, Gm7 Cm Ab Bb Cm Bb In purer lives Thy ser-vice find, Ab Eb Ab Eb Bbdim In deeper reverence, praise, C7 Fm Bbsus Bb Bb7 Eb In deeper rev - erence, praise.
C B C D7 Dear Lord and Fa-ther of man-kind, G7 C Am D7 G For-give our fever-ish ways; C G7 C E7 F Reclothe us in our rightful mind, A7 Dm D7 G G7 C In pur-er lives Thy ser-vice find, C7 Fsus F Fm C In deep-er rev-erence, praise.
Top482. Father, Lead Me Day by Day
D Bm D G A D D A7 D A Bm7 E7 A Father, lead me day by day, Ev-er in thine own sweet way; D G B Em D Em A7 D Em G D A7 D Teach me to be pure and true, Show me what I ought to do.
Top483. I Need Thee Every Hour
Ab Eb Ab I need Thee every hour, Ab7 Db Ab Most gracious Lord; Eb Ab No tender voice like Thine Eb Bb7 Eb Can peace af- ford. Ab Db Ab Eb I need Thee, O I need Thee; Eb7 Ab Every hour I need Thee; Ab7 Db Ab O bless me now, my Savior— Db Ab Eb7 Ab I come to Thee.
Top484. I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
F C7 Dm I need Thee precious Jesus, Bb F Bb C For I am ver-y poor; C7 F C7 F Gm A stranger and a pil-grim, F C7 F I have no earthly store. Bb Bbm F I need the love of Jesus Bb Bbm F To cheer me on my way, Bb F Gm7 C7 To guide my doubt-ing foot steps, F C7 F To be my strength and stay.
D A7 D I must tell Jesus all of my tri-als; A I can not bear these burdens a-lone, D A7 Bm In my distress He kindly will help me, Bb D A7 D He ever loves and cares for His own. D G I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! D A D A I can not bear these burdens a-lone; D A7 Bm I must tell Jesus! I must tell Je-sus! Bb D A7 D Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.
F C C7 F Fa-ther, I stretch my hands to Thee; C Bb F No other help I know; C7 F If Thou withdraw Thy-self from me, Bb Gm C7 F Ah, wither shall I go?
Ab Db Ab I come to the garden alone, While the dew is still on the roses; Eb Ab Eb Ab Bb7 Eb Eb7 And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, The Son of God dis-clos-es. Ab Eb7 Db Eb7 Ab And He walks with me, And He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own; C7 Fm Eb7 Db Ab Eb7 Ab And the joy we share as we tar-ry there, None other has ever known.
Top488. At First I Prayed for Light
G C G D7 Em At first I prayed for light: Could I but see the way, G7 C G Cmaj7 Am A7 D7 G How gladly, swift-ly would I walk To everlasting day!
Top489. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Eb Bb Jesus, lover of my soul, Eb Bb Eb Let me to thy bosom fly, Bb While the billows near me roll, Eb Bb Eb While the tempest still is high; Eb Ab Eb Hide me, O my Savior, hide! Ab Eb Till the storm of life is past; Bb Safe into the haven guide, Eb Bb Eb O receive my soul at last!
Top490. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Eb Ab Eb Fm Bb7 Eb Jesus, lov-er of my soul, Eb Ab Bb Eb F7 Bb Let me to Thy bo-som fly, Eb Ab Eb Bb F7 G While the bil-lows near me roll, Cm Ab Eb Fm7 Eb Bb7 Eb While the tem-pest still is high; Ab Eb Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Hide me, O my Sav-ior, hide! Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Bb Till the storm of life is past; Eb Ab Eb Bb F7 G Safe in-to the ha-ven guide, Cm Ab Eb Fm7 Eb Bb7 Eb O re-ceive my soul at last!
Top491. In the Hour of Trial
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Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Bb Teach, me, Fa- ther, what to say; Bb7 Gm Bdim7 Cm Bb Eb Teach me, Fa-ther, how to pray; Fm7 Eb7 Ab Eb Eb7 Ab Teach me all a- long the way Eb Ab Bb7 Eb How to be like Je- sus. Eb Cm Eb Ab C7 I would be like Je-sus, Fm Fm7 Fm6 Ab Bb Bb7 I would be like Je-sus! Eb Eb7 Ab Fm7 Help me, Lord, to daily grow Eb Bb7 Eb More and more like Je- sus!
Bb Bdim6 F7 Like the woman at the well I was seeking Bb For things that could not satis-fy: Bb7 Eb And then I heard my Savior speaking: F7 Bb “Draw from my well that never shall run dry”. Eb Bb F7 Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord! Bb Come and quench this thirsting of my soul; F7 Bb Bb7 F7 Bb Cm7 Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more– F7 Cm7 F7 Bb Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole!
Eb Fm Eb Ab Eb Bb Bb7 Eb “We would see Je-sus;” for the shadows length-en Bb Eb F7 Gm F7 Bb Eb Gm F7 Bb A- cross the lit-tle land-scape of our life; Eb Ab Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Eb Bb7 Eb We would see Jesus, our weak faith to streng-then Eb Cm Cm7 Ab Eb Bb7 Eb For the last conflict, in this mortal strife.
Top495. Near to the Heart of God
Db Abaug Db Bdim7 Ab7 Bdim7 Ab7 There is a place of qui-et rest, Ab Ab7 Db Near to the heart of God; Db Abaug Db Bdim7 Ab7 Bdim7 Ab7 A place where sin can - not mo - lest, Ab Ab7 Db Near to the heart of God. Gb Db O Jesus, blest Redeem-er, Ab Ab7 Db Sent from the heart of God, Gb Db Hold us who wait be-fore Thee Ab7 Db Near to the heart of God.
Top496. Eternal Love, We Have No Good
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Top497. O Gracious Father of Mankind
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Top498. Still, Still With Thee
D A7 D G D Em D A7 D A Still, still with Thee, when pur-ple morn-ing break-eth, Am Em B7 Em A7 D When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee; D A7 D Bm F#m Bm B Em B7 Em Fair-er than morn-ing, love-li-er than day-light, Am Em B7 Em A7 D Dawns the sweet conscious-ness, I am with Thee.
Top499. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
F Bb What a friend we have in Jesus, F C All our sins and griefs to bear! F Bb What a privilege to carry F C7 F Every-thing to God in prayer! C C7 F O what peace we often forfeit, Bb F C O what needless pain we bear, F Bb All because we do not carry F C7 F Every-thing to God in prayer!
F Bb F C7 F Take time to be ho-ly, Speak oft with thy Lord; F Bb F C G7 C Abide in Him al-ways, And feed on His word; C7 F C7 F Make friends of God’s children, Help those who are weak, F Bb F C7 F Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.
Top501. Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer
Db Ebm7 Db Gb Db ’Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend, Gb Db Eb7 Ab And we gather to Je-sus, our Savior and Friend; Db Ebm7 Db Gb Db If we come to Him in faith, His protection to share, Gb Db Ab Db What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there! Ab Ab7 Db Gb Db Blessed hour of prayer, Blessed hour of prayer, Gb Db Ab Db What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there!
F C7 F Sun of my soul, O Savior dear! C It is not night if Thou be near; D7 Gm C F Gm7 C O may no earth-born cloud a - rise Bb Csus C Dm Bb C7 F To hide Thee from Thy ser-vant’s eyes.
C E7 There is a quiet place, Am C7 F A7 Dm Em Far from the rapid pace where God can soothe my troubled mind. Gm C7 Sheltered by tree and flow’r, F Dm Am F#m B7 E Dm7 G There in my quiet hour with Him my cares are left be-hind. C E7 Whether a garden small, Am C7 F E7 Am C7 Or on a mountain tall, New strength and courage there I find; Am Dm7 Then from this quiet place Em7 A7 Dm G7 C I go pre-pared to face a new day With love for all man-kind.
Top504. Lord Jesus, Think on Me
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C G C I need the prayers of those I love, While trav’ling o’er life’s rugged way, C G C That I may true and faithful be, And live for Jesus every day. C F C G I want my friends to pray for me, To bear my tempted soul a-bove, C F C G C And intercede with God for me; I need the prayers of those I love.
C G Em Am D7 G Am Em F C A Dm G7 C A mighty for-tress is our God, A bul-wark nev-er fail- ing; C G Em Am D7 G Am Em F C A Dm G7 C Our helper he a- mid the flood Of mor-tal ills pre-vail- ing. C Am G D7 G C G C F E Am For still our an-cient foe Doth seek to work us woe; E Am G C D7 G Dm F C A Dm E His craft and power are great, And armed with cru-el hate, Am Em F C A Dm G7 C On earth is not his e - qual.
F C7 F Bb F Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine, C7 F Living with Jesus, a new life divine, Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine, Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. Moment by moment I’m kept in His love; Moment by moment I’ve life from above; Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.
D G D G D Any-where with Jesus I can safe-ly go, A7 D A7 D Anywhere He leads me in this world be-low; D G D G D Any-where with-out Him, dearest joys would fade; G D A7 D Anywhere with Jesus I am not a- fraid. A7 D Anywhere! Anywhere! Bm E7 A Fear I cannot know; D G D A7 D Anywhere with Jesus I can safe-ly go.
D G C G C Bm C D How firm a foun-da-tion, ye saints of the Lord, Bm Em Am7 G C7 G D7 G Is laid for your faith in His ex-cellent word! G D G D Em C G A7 D What more can He say than to you He hath said, D7 G Am7 D Em G D7 G To you who for re-fuge to Je-sus have fled?
Top510. If You But Trust in God to Guide You
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Top511. I Know Whom I Have Believed
D G D I know not why God’s wondrous grace G D A To me He hath made known, A7 D G D Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love A A7 D Re-deemed me for His own. G D But “I know whom I have be-lieved, A D and am per-suaded that His is able G D To keep that which I’ve com-mitted A A7 D Unto Him a-gainst that day.”
Top512. Just When I Need Him Most
Db Ab7 Db Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, Gb Db Ab Just when I falter, just when I fear; Ab7 Db Gb Db Ready to help me, ready to cheer, Gb Db Ab7 Db Just when I need Him most. Gb Just when I need Him most, Db Just when I need Him most, Eb Eb7 Ab Ab7 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer, Gb Db Ab7 Db Just when I need Him most.
Top513. In Heavenly Love Abiding
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Top514. Lord of Our Life
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D7 G D7 G The Lord is my light; then why should I fear? C G D By day and by night His presence is near; D7 G D7 G He is my sal-vation from sorrow and sin; C G Em A7 G D7 G This blessed per-sua-sion the Spi-rit bring in. G D G D The Lord is my light; my joy and my song; B Em A7 D By day and by night He leads me a-long; D7 G D7 G The Lord is my light, my joy and my song; C G Em G D7 G By day and by night He leads me a-long.
G All the way my savior leads me; D G What have I to ask be-side? C D Can I doubt His tender mercy, A D Who thro’ life has been my guide? G Heav’nly peace divinest comfort, D Here by faith in Him to dwell! G C For I know whate’er be-fall me, G D G Jesus doeth all things well; C For I know whate’er be-fall me, G D G Jesus doeth all things well;
Top517. My Faith Looks Up to Thee
D A7 D My faith looks up to Thee, A A7 D A Thou Lamb of Cal-va-ry, D A E7 A Sav-ior di-vine; D Em7 D G D Now hear me while I pray, D Em7 D G D Take all my guilt a-way, Bm Dmaj7 G D A7 D O let me from this day Em A D Be whol-ly Thine.
Top518. Standing on the Promises
Ab Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Db Ab Thru eternal ages let His praises ring; Glory in the highest I will shout and sing, Bbm Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb7 Standing on the promis-es of God. Ab Db Fm Standing, stand-ing, Eb Ab Db Ab Standing on the promises of God my Sav-ior; Ab Db Bbm Standing, stand-ing, Ab Eb7 Ab I’m standing on the promi-ses of God.
Top519. Give to the Winds Your Fears
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C F C A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, G A wonderful Savior to me, C F He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, C G C Where rivers of pleasure I see. G7 C F C He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock G C That shadows a dry, thirsty land; F He hideth my life in the depths of His love, C G G7 C Bdim C And covers me there with His hand, F C G7 C And covers me there with His hand.
F C F Depth of mercy!—can there be C C7 F Mercy still re-served for me? Bb F C G7 C Can my God His wrath for-bear? F C F Me, the chief of sinners, spare?
Top522. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
C F C F Bb C F My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteous-ness. C F C F Bb C F I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. F C7 F Bb F C On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, F Bb F C F All other ground is sinking sand.
Top523. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
G C My faith has found a resting place, E7 Am G D G Not in a man-made creed; C I trust the Ever-living One, E7 Am G D G That He for me will plead. D I need no other evidence, G C Am G D I need no oth-er plea; D7 G C It is enough that Jesus died, E7 Am G D G And rose a-gain for me.
Top524. Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus
G C G A D ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take him at his word; G C G C D G Just to rest up-on his promise, Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord." G D G A D Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! How I’ve proved him o’er and o’er! G C G C D G Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust him more!
Eb Ab Eb Bb Eb Bb Bb7 Eb O safe to the Rock that is high-er than I, Ab Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb F7 Bb My soul in its conflicts and sor-rows would fly; Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb Eb Bb7 Eb So sin-ful, so wea-ry, Thine, Thine, would I be; Ab Eb Ab Eb Cm Eb Gm Bb7 Eb Thou blest “Rock of Ages,” I’m hid-ing in Thee. Bb Bb7 Eb Fm7 Eb Hiding in Thee, hiding in Thee, Bb Eb Thou blest “Rock of Ages,” Cm Eb Gm Bb7 Eb I’m hid-ing in Thee.
Ab Ab7 Db God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus, Ab Bbm Ab Fm Ab Dm7 Bm7 Eb7 He came to love, heal, and for-give; Eb7 Ab Ab7 Db He lived and died to buy my pardon, Ab Eb7 Ab An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. Eb7 Ab Ab7 Db Because He lives I can face to-morrow, Ab Eb Ab Bm7 Eb7 Because He lives all fear is gone; Eb7 Ab Bbm Ab Ab7 Db Because I know He holds the future. Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab And life is worth the liv-ing just because He lives.
Top527. From Every Stormy Wind
Bb Eb Bb From every stormy wind that blows, F7 Bb F From every swelling tide of woes, Bb F There is a calm, a sure re-treat: Bb Eb F7 Bb ‘Tis found beneath the mer-cy seat.
Top528. A Shelter in the Time of Storm
F Gm C F The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide, A Shelter in the time of storm; F Gm C F Secure whatever may betide, A Shelter in the time of storm. Bb F C F Mighty Rock in a weary land, Cooling shade on the burning sand, Bb F C7 F Faithful guide for the pilgrim band- A shelter in the time of storm.
C Cdim6 C G7 Under His wings I am safely a-biding; C Though the night deepens and tempests are wild, Cdim6 C F C Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me; F C G7 C He has re-deemed me, and I am His child. G7 C Under His wings, under His wings, F C G Who from His love can sev-er? C F C Under His wings, my soul shall a-bide, F C G7 C Safely a-bide for-ev-er.
Top530. It Is Well With My Soul
C G7 C When peace like a river, at-tendeth my way, Am E7 Am D7 G When sor-rows like sea billows roll G7 C F Dm D7 G What-ever my lot, thou hast taught me to say C G7 C G C It is well, it is well, with my soul. x C G It is well, (It is well) x G G7 C With my soul, (With my soul) C F C G C It is well, it is well with my soul
Top531. We’ll Build on the Rock
D7 G C G We’ll build on the Rock, the living Rock, D On Jesus, the Rock of A-ges; D7 G C G So shall we abide the fearful shock, C Am G D D7 G When loud the temp-est rag-es. D G We’ll build on the Rock, D7 G D G D G We’ll build on the Rock; B G7 D We’ll build on the Rock, on the solid Rock, Am G D7 G On Christ, the migh-ty Rock.
D Em Day by day, and with each passing moment, A D Strength I find to meet my trials here; D Em Trusting in my Father’s wise be-stowment, A D I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. D Em He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure, A D Gives unto each day what He deems best, Bm D7 Em Loving-ly its part of pain and pleasure, E A D Mingling toil with peace and rest.
G D7 G D O, for a faith that will not shrink, G D A7 D Though pressed by man-y a foe, D G Em C D7 G That will not tremble on the brink of poverty, D7 G C G D7 G Of poverty or woe; Of po-ver-ty or woe;
Top534. Will Your Anchor Hold?
C7 F Bb Gm F C F Will your anchor hold in the storm of life, F C G7 C When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? C7 F C C7 F When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain, F7 Bb F C7 F Will your an-chor drift, or firm re-main? F Bb F We have an anchor that keeps the soul C Steadfast and sure while the billows roll; F F7 Bb F Bb Fastened to the Rock which can-not move, x Bb F C7 F Grounded firm and deep in the Sav-ior’s love.
Top535. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Ab Eb7 Ab I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Bb Eb Trusting only Thee; Eb7 Ab F Bbm Trusting Thee for full salvation, Eb7 Ab Great and free.
Top536. God, Who Stretched
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C F He leadeth me: O blessed thought! C G O words with heavenly comfort fraught! C F What-e’er I do, wher-e’er I be, C Am G C Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me. G G7 C F C He leadeth me, He lead-eth me, F C Am C G By His own hand He leadeth me; G7 C G G7 C F C His faithful fol-lower I would be, F C Am G C For by His hand He leadeth me.
Top538. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
G C G Am7 G Am G D Guide me, O Thou great Je-ho-vah, G C Am7 G D7 G Pilgrim through this bar-ren land. G C G Am7 G Am G D I am weak, but Thou art might-y; G C G Am7 G D G Hold me with Thy power-ful hand. D7 G D7 G D7 G Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, D7 Em7 D D7 Feed me till I want no more; G D7 G C G D7 G Feed me till I want no more.
Top539. I Will Early Seek the Savior
Ab Bbm Ab Db Ab I will ear-ly seek the Sav-ior, Eb7 Ab Eb Eb7 Ab I will learn of Him each day; Ab Bbm Ab Db Ab I will fol-low in His foot-steps, Eb7 Ab Eb Eb7 Ab I will walk the narrow way. Ab Eb Eb7 Ab For He loves me, yes, He loves me, Bb Bb7 Eb Jesus loves me, this I know. Ab Bbm Ab Db Ab Jesus loves me, died to save me, Eb7 Ab Eb Eb7 Ab This is why I love Him so.
Top540. Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild
F C7 F C7 F C7 Gen-tle Jesus, meek and mild, F C7 F G7 F C7 F Look up-on a lit-tle child; Bb Gm7 C Pity my sim-plici-ty, F7 Bb F Bb F C7 F Suf-fer me to come to Thee.
Top541. Lord, Speak to Me
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Top542. Jesus, Friend So Kind
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Top543. Jesus, Friend of Little Children
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Top544. Jesus, Son of Blessed Mary
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Top545. Savior, Like a Shepherd
Db Ab7 Db Savior, like a shepherd lead us, Ab Ab7 Db Much we need Thy tenderest care; Db Ab7 Db In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, Ab Ab7 Db For our use Thy folds pre-pare. Gb Db Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus! Ab Db Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Gb Db Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus! Ab7 Db Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.
Top546. The Lord’s My Shepherd
D A7 D G D The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want G D Em A D He makes me down to lie D A7 Bm F#m G A In pas-tures green; He leadeth me G D G D A7 D The qui-et wa-ters by. A D Em Bm He leadeth me, He leadeth me A D Bm G D The quiet wa-ters by.
Eb Ab Eb Fm Bb Eb Cm Eb Fm Eb Be Thou my Vi-sion, O Lord of my heart; Bb F7 Bb F Gm Eb Cm Bb Eb Bbsus Bb Eb Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Ab Fm Cm Eb Gm Gm Bb Eb Bb7 Cm Bb Thou my best Thought, by day or by night, Cm Bb Eb Fm Cm Ab Eb Waking or sleeping, Thy pres-ence my light.
Top548. Now Praise the Hidden God of Love
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Top549. Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
Eb Ab Bb Eb Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep, Ab Cm Bbsus Bb Eb Keep Thy lamb, in safe- ty keep; Eb Bb Ab Gm Ab G Noth-ing can Thy power with-stand; Eb Ab Gm Cm Ab Bb Eb None can pluck me from Thy hand.
Top550. Every Flower That Grows
D Bm G D Bm F#m Every flow’r that grows, Every brook that flows, Bm7 F#m Dmaj7 E7 F#m Tell of beauty God has giv’n for me: F#m7 Bm F#m Gmaj7 A Bm A D Through-out my life may beau-ty be Em D Em D A7 Bm Em7 D Em7 D Deep with-in a heart from sin set free.
Top551. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
Ab Db Ab Jesus, Savior, pilot me Db Eb7 Ab Over life’s tem-pestuous sea; Eb7 Ab Unknown waves before me roll, Eb7 Ab Hiding rock and treacherous shoal. Ab Db Ab Chart and compass come from Thee; Db Eb7 Ab Jesus, Savior, pilot me.
Top552. The Lord’s My Shepherd
C7 F C7 F Gm F C F The Lord’s my Shep-herd, I’ll not want. G G7 C He makes me down to lie F C F Gm C C7 F In pastures green; He lead-eth me Gm F C F The quiet wa-ters by.
Top553. Jesus, Guide Our Way
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Top554. O Let Me Walk With Thee
D7 G Am D7 G O let me walk with Thee, my God, Em C G As Enoch walked in days of old; G G7 C Cm G Place Thou my trembling hand in Thine, C G D G And sweet com-munion with me hold; G7 C Cm G E’en though the path I may not see, C G D D7 G D G Yet, Jesus, let me walk with Thee.
Top555. Shepherd of Tender Youth
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Top556. As Saints of Old
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Top557. Come, Ye Thankful People
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Top558. For the Fruits of His Creation
Eb Fm Eb Fm Eb Ab Cm Fm7 Eb Cm7 Bb7 Eb For the fruits of His cre-a- tion, thanks be to God; Cm D7 Gm Cm Gm Cm Edim D Cm Dm Eb Bbsus Bb For the gifts to ev-ery na - tion, thanks be to God; Bbm Fm Eb C7 Fm Fm7 Bbm Eb7 For the plow-ing, sow-ing, reap-ing, Fm7 Eb7 Ab Eb Fm Ab G Si- lent growth while men are sleep-ing, Adim G7 Cm G7 Cm Eb Cm Fm Eb Cm Ab Ebsus Eb Fu - ture needs in earth’s safe keep-ing, thanks be to God!
Top559. Now Thank We All Our God
Eb Bb Eb Ab Eb Now thank we all our God Fm Eb Bb Eb Bsus B7 Eb With heart and hands and voices, Eb Bbm Eb7 Ab Eb Who won-drous things hath done, Ab Eb Bb7 G Fm Bb Eb In whom His world re-joic- es; Bb F Bb Eb Bb Who, from our mothers’ arms Eb Bb Cm7 D Gm Hath blessed us on our way Bb C C7 Fm C7 Fm With count-less gifts of love, Eb Fm Cm Eb Bb Eb And still is ours to-day.
Top560. Let All Things Now Living
F C F Dm Gm C Let all things now living a song of thanks-giving C7 F Bb F C7 F To God the Cre-ator tri-umphant-ly raise, C F C F Dm Gm C Dm Who fashioned and made us, pro-tected and stayed us, C F Bb F C7 F Who guideth us on to the end of our days. C7 F C7 F His banners are o’er us, His light goes before us, C7 F C#dim6 Dm C G7 C A pillar of fire shin - ing forth in the night, F C F Dm Gm C Dm ‘Til shadows have vanished and darkness is ban-ished, C F Bb Gm7 F Gm7 C7 F As forward we travel from light in- to light.
Eb Ab Eb Ab We plow the fields, and scatter Eb Db Ab Bbm Ab Eb The good seed on the land, Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Cm But it is fed and wa - tered Eb Fm7 Ab Bb7 Eb By God’s al-mighty hand. Eb Eb7 Ab Bbm7 Eb He sends the snow in win- ter, Eb7 Ab Eb7 Ab Eb The warmth to swell the grain, Ab Eb Fm The breezes and the sunshine, Db Bbm7 Eb Eb7 Ab And soft re - fresh-ing rain. Ab Eb All good gifts a-round us Ab Eb7 Ab Eb Are sent from heaven a- bove; Ab Eb Ab Eb Fm C Fm Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord Ab Db Bbm7 Ab Eb Ab For all His love.
Top562. Come, Sing a Song of Harvest
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Top563. Praise and Thanksgiving
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Top564. For Sunrise Hope and Sunset Calm
C Dm7 G C Dm7 G C For sun-rise hope and sun-set calm, Fsus Dm7 Gsus7 G C Dm7 C And all that lies be-tween, Dm7 G C Dm7 G C For all the sweetness and the balm Fsus Dm7 Gsus7 G C Dm7 C That is and that has been, C G Am7 D G Am7 For comrade-ship for peace in strife, D G Am7 D7 G G7 C And light on dark-ened days; G7 C Dm7 G C Dm7 For work to do and strength for life G C Dm7 G C We sing our hymn of praise.
Top565. For the Beauty of the Earth
G D7 D G C D7 G For the beau-ty of the earth, C D7 G C G D G For the glo-ry of the skies, G D7 D G C D7 G For the love which from our birth C D7 G C G D G O-ver and a-round us lies; G D G D G Lord of all, to Thee we raise C D7 G C G D7 G This our grate-ful song of praise.
Top566. Father, We Thank You
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Top567. Have Thine Own Way Lord
Eb Fm Eb Ab Eb Bb Eb Bb7 Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Gm7 Bb7 Eb Bb Eb Thou art the Pot-ter, I am the clay. Eb Fm Eb Ab Eb Eb7 Ab Mold me and make Me after Thy will, Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb While I am waiting, Yield-ed and still.
Top568. Make Me a Captive, Lord
Db Gb Make me a captive, Lord, Ebm7 Eb Ab And then I shall be free; Ab7 Db Ab Bbm Db7 Ab Force me to render up my sword, Eb7 Eb Ab7 Eb And I shall conqueror be. Gb Db I sink in life’s a-larms Bbm Fm When by myself I stand; Ab7 Db F7 Gb B7 Im- prison me with-in Thine arms, Ebm Db Ab7 Db And strong shall be my hand.
Top569. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
G C G Pass me not, O gentle Savior, D7 G D7 G Hear my hum-ble cry; G C G While on others Thou art calling, D7 G D7 G Do not pass me by. G C G D Savior, Savior, hear my humble cry; G C G While on others Thou art calling, D7 G D7 G Do not pass me by.
Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Eb Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved, ex- alted; Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard; Eb Bb7 Cm7 Bb7 Ab Eb Not I, but Christ, in every look and ac-tion, Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Bb7 Eb Not I, but Christ, in every thought and word.
Top571. What Does the Lord Require?
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Top572. Give of Your Best to the Master
Eb Bb7 Eb Bb7 Give of your best to the Mas-ter, Eb Bb7 Eb F7 Bb Give of the strength of your youth; Eb Bb7 Eb Edim6 Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ar-dor Fm Bb Bb7 Eb Into the battle for truth. Cm Jesus has set the example— G G7 Cm Dauntless was He, young and brave; Fm Cm Give Him your loyal de-votion, Bb F F7 Bb F7 Bb7 Give Him the best that you have.
Top573. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
Eb Ab It may not be on the mountain’s height Eb Bb Or over the stormy sea, Eb Bb7 Eb Ab It may not be at the battle’s front Eb Bb Eb My Lord will have need of me. Bb7 Eb But if by a still, small voice He calls Bb7 Eb To paths I do not know, Bb7 Eb Ab I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine; Eb Bb7 Eb I’ll go where You want me to go. Bb Eb I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord, Bb7 Eb O’er mountain, or plain, or sea; Bb7 Eb Ab I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord; Eb Bb7 Eb I’ll be what You want me to be.
Top574. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
Db Gb Db Ebm Eb Ab O Master, let me walk with Thee Bbm7 Ab7 Db Bbm7 Eb Ab In low- ly paths of service free; Ab7 Db Gb Db Ebm Tell me thy secret; help me bear Db Ab7 Bbm Ab7 Db Ebm Ab Db The strain of toil, the fret of care.
Top575. Let Your Heart Be Broken
Dm Gm Dm Dm7 Let your heart be bro-ken Gm7 A7 Dm For a world in need: Dm C7 F C Feed the mouths that hun-ger, Dm7 E7 Am Soothe the wounds that bleed, F C6 Dm F Give the cup of wa-ter Dm7 C F And the loaf of bread— Dm Bb F Be the hands of Jesus, C7 Bb A7 Dm Serving in His stead.
Top576. Awake, Awake to Love and Work
Cm7 Fm Eb Fm Bbm Eb Fm Cm7 A - wake, a- wake to love and work! Fm Db Eb7 Ab Bbm Ab The lark is in the sky; Db Eb Ab Bbm Ab The fields are wet with dia- mond dew; Db Eb7 Bbm7 Cm7 Fm The worlds a - wake to cry Db Cm Bbm7 Eb Db Eb Fm Cm Their bless-ings on the Lord of life, Cm7 Fm Cm Fm Eb Fsus Fm As He goes meek-ly by.
F G Csus7 C7 In the heart of Je - sus F Bb F There is love for you, F G7 C Love most pure and tender, Dm G7 C C7 Love most deep and true; F F7 Bbsus Bb Why should you be lone- ly, D7 Gm Why for friendship sigh, F C7 F When the heart of Jesus G C7 F Has a full supply?
F Fdim Gm C So send I you—by grace made strong to tri-umph C7 Gm C7 F O’er hosts of hell, o’er darkness, death, and sin, F7 Bbmaj7 Gm My name to bear, and in that name to con - quer— D G F C7 F So send I you, My victo-ry to win. Bb Fmaj7 C F Gm7 C7 F “As the Father hath sent Me, So send I you”
Top579. Tis Love That Makes Us Happy
Ab ‘Tis love that makes us happy, Db Ab ‘Tis love that smooths the way; Ab7 Db Bbm It helps us mind, it makes us kind Ab Eb7 Ab To others every day. Ab Ab7 Db Ab God is love; we’re His little chil-dren. Bb Eb God is love; we would be like Him. Eb7 Ab ‘Tis love that makes us happy, Db Ab ‘Tis love that smooths the way; Ab7 Db Bbm It helps us “mind,” it makes us kind Ab Eb7 Ab To others every day.
Top580. This Little Light of Mine
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Top581. When the Church of Jesus
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Top582. Working, O Christ, With Thee
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Top583. You That Know the Lord
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Top584. There’s a Spirit in the Air
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Top585. When Christ Was Lifted From the Earth
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Top586. What Joy It Is to Worship Here
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Top587. In Christ There Is No East nor West
Eb Ab Eb Bb Bb7 Eb In Christ there is no east nor west, Fm Eb Bb7 Eb Bb In Him no south or north; Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Eb Fm Bb7 Cm But one great fel-low-ship of love Eb Fm Eb Bb Eb Through-out the whole wide earth.
Top588. Lord of All Nations
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Top589. Holy Spirit, Gracious Guest
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F C7 F C C7 F When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word, Bb F C What a glory He sheds on our way! F C7 F C C7 F While we do His good will, He a-bides with us still, Bb F C7 F And with all who will trust and o- bey. C F F7 D Gm Trust and o-bey, for there’s no other way C7 F C7 F To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and o- bey.
Top591. In Our Work and in Our Play
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Top592. Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
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Ab Eb7 Ab Bbm7 Eb7 In times like these you need a Sav- ior, Db Ab In times like these you need an an-chor; Db Be very sure, be very sure Fm Ab Eb7 Ab Your anchor holds and grips the sol-id Rock! Eb7 Ab Eb7 Ab This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the One; Eb7 Ab Eb7 Ab This Rock is Jesus, The only One! Db Be very sure, be very sure Fm Ab Eb7 Ab Your anchor holds and grips the sol-id Rock!
Bb F Bb Heir of the kingdom, O why dost thou slumber? F C7 F Why art thou sleeping so near thy blest home? Bb Eb Bb Wake thee, a-rouse thee, and gird on thine armor, Gm F Bb F7 Bb Speed, for the moments are hurrying on.
Top595. Let Every Lamp Be Burning
Eb Let every lamp be burning bright, Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Bb The darkest hour is near-ing; Bb7 Eb The darkest hour of earth’s long night, Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Be-fore the Lord’s appear-ing. Eb Ab Eb Then trim your lamps, my brethren dear, Bb Then trim your lamps with godly fear; Bb7 Cm Eb The Master’s coming draweth near, Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Let every lamp be burn-ing.
G Look for the way-marks as you journey on, Em D Look for the way-marks passing one by one; G C Am Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four— G C Am D7 G Where are we stand-ing? Look the way-marks o’er. G Em B Look for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks, C D Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four. G Em Am Look for the waymarks, the great prophetic way-marks; G D7 G The journey’s al-most o’er.
Top597. Ye Servants of the Lord
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C Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking; G Lo! the powers of heaven are shaking; C Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning, Ready for your Lord’s returning. G C D G Lo! He comes, lo! Jesus comes; C Lo! He comes, He comes all glorious! Jesus comes to reign victorious, G C Dm G C Lo! He comes, yes, Jesus comes!
Top599. Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
D A Bm D Rejoice, re-joice, be-liev-ers, Em7 A7 D And let your lights ap-pear: A D A E7 The evening is ad-vancing, F#m Bm A E7 A And dark-er night is near. A7 D A7 D A The Bridegroom is aris-ing, A7 D A7 D A And soon He draw-eth nigh. D A G Up, pray, and watch, and wres-tle, Fdim7 D A7 D At midnight comes the cry.
F C7 F Bb F C Sweet promise is given to all who be-lieve— F C7 F C C7 F C “Be-hold I come quickly, Mine own to re-ceive; C7 F C7 F Bb F C Hold fast till I come; the dan-ger is great; F C7 Gm Dm Bb C C7 F Sleep not as do oth-ers; be watchful, and wait.” Bb F C7 “Hold fast till I come,” sweet pro-mise of heaven— F C7 F C7 F “The kingdom restored, to you shall be given.” C7 F C F Bb F C “Come, enter My joy, sit down on the throne; F C7 Gm Dm Bb C C7 F Bright crowns are in wait-ing; hold fast till I come.”
Top601. Watchmen, on the Walls of Zion
C F C Dm C G C Watchmen, on the walls of Zi-on, What O tell us, of the night? C F C Dm C G C Is the daystar now a-ris-ing? Will the morn soon greet our sight? C Dm C G C O’er your vision Shine there now some rays of light? C Dm C G C O’er your vision Shine there now some rays of light?
Top602. O Brother, Be Faithful
G C G C G O broth-er, be faithful! Soon Jesus will come, C G D For whom we have waited so long; D7 G C G C G O, soon we shall enter our glorious home, Am D7 G And join in the con-queror’s song. D D7 G D7 G O brother, be faithful! For why should we prove D Unfaithful to Him who hath shown D7 G C G C G Such deep, such un-bounded and infinite love— Am D7 G Who died to re-deem us His own.
Top603. Christian, Seek Not Repose
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F7 Bb F F7 Bb We know not the hour of the Master’s appear-ing; F F7 Eb Bb Yet signs all foretell that the moment is near-ing F Bb7 Eb When He shall return ’tis the prom-ise most cheering Bb F7 Bb But we know not the hour. F7 Bb He will come, let us watch and be ready; F7 Bb F7 He will come, halle-lujah! hallelujah! Bb F Bb7 Eb He will come in the clouds of His Fa-ther’s bright glory— Bb F7 Bb But we know not the hour.
Top605. My Soul, Be on Thy Guard
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Top606. Once to Every Man and Nation
Fm C Db Bbm6 C Fm Once to ev-ery man and nation, Ab Eb Db C Fm Bbm C7 Fm Comes the mo-ment to de-cide, Fm C Dm Bbm6 C Fm In the strife of truth with falsehood, Ab Eb Db C Fm Bbm C7 Fm For the good or e - vil side; Ab Ebsus Eb Fm Csus C Some great cause, God’s new Mes-si - ah, Fm Fm7 Bbm Db Fm Bbm C Of-fering each the bloom or blight, Fm C Db Bbm6 Bbm6 C Fm And the choice goes by for-ever, Ab Eb Ab Db Bbm C7 Fm ‘Twixt that dark-ness and that light.
Top607. God of Grace and God of Glory
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D A Encamped along the hills of light, A7 D Ye Christians soldiers, rise, A And press the battle ere the night A7 D Shall veil the glowing skies. A D A-gainst the foe in vales below A E7 A D A Let all our strength be hurled; D G Faith is the victo-ry, we know, D A D That over-comes the world. D A7 Faith is the victory! D Faith is the victory! G D O, glorious victory, Gm D A7 D That over-comes the world.
Top609. Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
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G O Christian, awake! ’tis the Master’s command; D Bm D A7 D With helmet and shield, and a sword in thy hand, G C D7 G D To meet the bold tempter, go, fearlessly go, G C G A7 D D7 G Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe. G Stand like the brave, stand like the brave, G C G D7 G Stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.
F C Gm Bb C F Awake, my soul! stretch ev-ery nerve, C Dm C G7 C And press with vig-or on; F Dm Gm C Am Dm Bb A heaven-ly race de-mands thy zeal, Dm Gm F Bb F C7 F And an im-mor- tal crown.
Top612. Onward, Christian Soldiers!
D Em7 A7 Bm A7 D Onward Christian sol-diers! Marching as to war, D Em7 A7 E7 A With the cross of Je- sus Going on be-fore. A D G Christ, the royal Master, Leads against the foe; G D G D G D G D G D A7 D A For-ward in-to bat-tle, See, His ban-ners go! D Em7 A7 D Onward, Christian soldiers! Marching as to war, D Em D G A7 D With the cross of Jesus, Going on be-fore.
G Em G7 Am G Am7 D Fight the good fight with all thy might; G Bm G Cmaj7 Am A A7 Dsus D Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right; G B Em G7 Am E7 Am Lay hold on life and it shall be D A7 D G C G D7 G Thy joy and crown e-ter-nal-ly.
Ab Db Ab Sound the battle cry, See! the foe is nigh; Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Raise the standard high For the Lord; Ab Db Ab Gird your armor on, Stand firm, every one, Fm Ab Eb7 Ab Rest your cause upon His ho-ly word. Ab Eb7 Ab Rouse, then soldiers! rally round the banner! C Fm Bb7 Eb Ready, steady, pass the word a-long; Ab Eb7 Ab Onward, forward, shout aloud ho-sanna! Ab Fm Ab Eb7 Ab Christ is Captain of the might-y throng.
Top615. Rise Up, O Church of God
F7 Bb Eb Rise up, O men of God! Bb Eb Bb F C7 F His king-dom tar-ries long. Bb F Eb Bb Cm Gm6 F Bring in the day of bro-ther-hood Bb Eb Bb Fsus F7 Bb And end the night of wrong.
Top616. Soldiers of Christ, Arise
D Dmaj7 Bm Dmaj7 G Gmaj7 Em7 Sol-diers of Christ, a - rise, Em7 D D7 G Gmaj7 Asus A And put your ar-mor on, A D Bm Dmaj7 E E7 A Strong in the strength which God sup-plies Bm7 A D E7 A Through His e-ternal Son A7 D Am D7 G Strong in the Lord of hosts, B7 E Bm7 E A A7 And in His might-y power, F# Bm G D Em A F# Who in the strength of Je-sus trusts B7 Em D Asus A7 D Is more than con-quer-or.
Top617. We Are Living, We Are Dwelling
C F C F C F C Am G C We are living, we are dwelling, In a grand and aw-ful time, G Em D G C D G Am G D G In an age on a-ges telling– To be liv-ing is sub-lime. C F D G Hark! the waking up of nations, Gog and Magog to the fray; x F C G7 C Hark! what soundeth? Is creation Groaning for her lat-ter day?
Top618. Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus!
Ab Db Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Ab Eb Ab Eb Ye soldiers of the cross; Ab Db Lift high His royal banner, Ab Eb7 Ab It must not suf-fer loss: Eb Fm Eb Ab From victory un- to victory, Db Ab Db Bbm Ab Eb His ar-my shall He lead, Ab Db Till every foe is vanquished, Ab Eb7 Ab And Christ is Lord in- deed.
Top619. Lead On, O King Eternal
C F C Lead on, O King E-ternal, C7 F C F G The day of march has come; G7 C C7 F C Hence-forth in fields of conquest G D7 G Thy tents shall be our home. G7 C C7 F Through days of prepa-ration A7 D D7 G Thy grace has made us strong; G7 C Dm7 C7 F And now, O King e- ternal, C G7 C We lift our battle song.
Top620. On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
Eb Fm Bb7 On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand, Eb Cm Eb Fm7 Bb And cast a wish-ful eye G7 Cm Gm Ab Eb Ab2 To Canaan’s fair and happy land, Fm7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb Where my pos-ses-sions lie. Eb Ebmaj7 Ab Eb Ab I am bound for the prom-ised land, Bb Eb Ebmaj7 Cm Gm Fm Bb I am bound for the prom-ised land; G Cm Gm Ab Eb Ab2 O who will come and go with me? Fm7 Eb Gm Fm Bb7 Eb I am bound for the prom-ised land.
Top621. Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children
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Top622. Come, Come, Ye Saints
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Eb7 Ab Db Ab I will follow Thee, my Savior, Wheresoe’er my lot may be. Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab Where thou goest I will follow; Yes, my Lord, I’ll follow Thee. Ab Eb Ab Db Eb I will follow Thee, my Saviour, Thou didst shed Thy blood for me; Eb7 Ab Db Ab Eb7 Ab And though all men should forsake Thee; By Thy grace I’ll follow Thee.
Top624. I Want Jesus to Walk With Me
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Ab Db I’m pressing on the upward way, Ab Eb New heights I’m gaining every day; Eb7 Ab Db Still praying as I’m onward bound, Ab Eb7 Ab “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” Ab Eb7 Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand Ab By faith, on heaven’s table-land; Ab Db A higher plane than I have found; Ab Eb7 Ab Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
Top626. In a Little While We’re Going Home
Eb Ab Eb Fm Eb Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way, Bb In a little while we’re going home; Bb7 Eb For the night will end in the everlasting day, Fm Eb Bb Eb In a little while we’re go-ing home. Bb7 Eb In a little while, In a little while, Fm Eb Bb7 Eb Bb We shall cross the bil-low’s foam; Eb Fm Eb Fm Ab We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past, F7 Eb Fm Eb Bb7 Eb In a little while we’re go-ing home.
D Bm F#m Bm7 We are climbing Jacob’s ladder, Em7 A G A7 Em7 D We are climbing Ja-cob’s lad-der, Bm D7 G G D We are climbing Jacob’s lad-der, B Em7 A7 D Soldiers of the cross.
Top628. As Jacob With Travel Was Weary
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Top629. O Happy Band of Pilgrims
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Top630. Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
F C Dm C F C F Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Bb F Gm F C Thy bet-ter por-tion trace; F C Dm C F C F Rise from tran-si-to-ry things Bb F Gm F C Toward heaven, thy na-tive place; F Bb F Bb F C Sun, and moon, and stars de-cay; F C7 F C C7 Time shall soon this earth remove; F C Dm C F C F Rise, my soul, and haste a-way Bb Gm F C7 F To seats pre-pared a- bove.
Top631. When on Life a Darkness Falls
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F7 Bb F7 My heart can sing when I pause to re-member, F Bb A heartache here is but a stepping stone. F7 Bb F7 Bb Eb Along a trail, that’s winding al-ways upward, Bb C7 Bb This troubled world, is not my final home. Cm F7 Bb F7 Bb But until then, my heart will go on singing, Cm F7 Bb Until then, with joy I’ll carry on, F7 Bb F7 G7 Cm A7 Un-til the day my eyes behold the city, Bb F7 Bb Until the day God calls me home.
Top633. When We All Get to Heaven
Bb F7 Bb Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; Bb Eb Bb Cm7 F7 Bb In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll pre-pare for us a place. x Bb F Gm Cm7 F7 When we all get to heaven, What a day of re-joicing that will be! F7 Bb Bb7 Eb A7 Bb F7 Bb When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victo-ry!
Top634. Come, All Christians, Be Committed
F Gm7 F Fmaj7 Gm7 Come, all Christ-ians, be com-mitted F Gm7 F Bb F To the ser-vice of the Lord; F Dm7 Gm7 Make your lives for him more fitted, F Bb Dm Tune your hearts with one ac-cord. Dm Am F Am7 Dm Come in-to His courts with gladness, F Am Bb F Gm7 F Gsus Gm Each his sa-cred vows re-new, C7 F Bb F Am7 Gm7 Dm7 Turn a-way from sin and sad-ness, Gm7 Dm F Bb F Be trans-formed with life a-new.
Top635. Lord of All Good
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Top636. God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending
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Top637. Son of God, Eternal Savior
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Top638. The Wise May Bring Their Learning
C F Gm7 F Bb C Bb F Gm7 C7 F The wise may bring their learning, The rich may bring their wealth, C F Bb F G7 C G7 C Bb F Dm Gm7 C F And some may bring their great-ness, And some their strength and health: F C C7 F C7 F C We too would bring our treasures To offer to the King, C F Gm7 F Bb C Bb F Gm7 C7 F We have no wealth or learning— What shall we chil-dren bring?
Top639. A Diligent and Grateful Heart
Eb Ab Bb Eb Bb Cm A dil-i- gent and grate-ful heart Eb Ab Eb Ab Eb Prompts me to sing Thy praise. Cm Ab Bb7 Eb Fm Eb Bb7 Cm Thy love and mer - cies from the start Eb Ab Eb Bb7 Eb Ab Eb Have blessed me all my days.
Top640. For Beauty of Meadows
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Top641. God in His Love for Us
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Top642. We Praise Thee With Our Minds
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Top643. Father, Who on Us Do Shower
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Top644. O God, Whose Will Is Life and Good
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Eb Cm Bb Eb Ab Eb Bbsus Bb Eb God of our fa-thers, Whose al-might-y hand Eb Cm Gm C7 Bb Fsus F Bb Leads forth in beau-ty all the star-ry band Bb Gb Bbm Fsus F7 Bb Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies Eb Absus Ab Eb Edim7 F Eb Bbsus Bb7 Eb Our grate-ful songs be - fore Thy throne a - rise.
Top646. To the Name That Brings Salvation
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Top647. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Bb Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; Eb Bb He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; Bb He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword; Eb F Bb His truth is marching on. Bb Eb Bb Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, halle-lujah! Bb Eb F Bb Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
Top648. I Vow to Thee, My Country
Bb Eb Ab Bb Eb F Gm I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things a-bove, Dm Eb Ab Bb Eb Bb En-tire and whole and perfect, the service of my love; Bb F Gm F Bb F Bb Eb The love that asks the reason, the love that stands the test, Cm Gm Bb Eb Bb Cm Bb Eb Cm Gm F Gm That lays up-on the al-tar the dearest and the best; F Eb Cm Bb Dm Eb F Gm The love that never falters, the love that pays the price, F Eb Ab Bb Eb Bb The love that makes undaunted the final sacri-fice.
Top649. Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray
F C F Bb C F Bb C G C Lord, while for all man-kind we pray, Of ev-ery clime and coast, C F Bb F Gm F C F C Dm Gm7 C F Oh, hear us for our na-tive land, The land we love the most!
Top650. Our Father, by Whose Name
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Top651. Happy the Home That Welcomes You
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F Bb There is beauty all around, F C When there’s love at home; F Bb There is joy in every sound, F C7 F When there’s love at home. C F Peace and plenty here abide, Bb C7 Smiling fair on every side; F Bb Time doth softly, sweetly glide, F C7 F When there’s love at home. Bb F Dm C Love at home, love at home; F Bb Time doth softly, sweetly glide, F C7 F When there’s love at home.
Top653. Lead Them, My God, to Thee
F Bb Gm D Lead them, my God, to Thee, Gm C F Lead them to Thee, Bb Gm D These children dear of mine, Gm C F Thou gavest me; C C7 Bb F O, by Thy love divine, C Lead them, my God, to Thee; F Bb Gm D Lead them, my God, to Thee, Gm C C7 F Lead them to Thee.
Top654. Lord, Bless Our Homes
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G Am G Am D G Happy the home when God is there, D7 G D G A7 D And love fills ev-ery breast; Am E7 Am A7 D A7 D D7 When one their wish, and one their prayer, G C G D7 G And one their heaven-ly rest.
Db Ab7 Db Ebm7 Db Gbsus Gb O perfect Love, all human thought tran-scend-ing, Ebm Ab7 Db F Bbm Ebm7 Ab Low-ly we kneel in prayer be-fore Thy throne, Db Ab7 Db F7 Gbdim6 Gb That theirs may be the love which knows no end - ing, Gb Fm Ab Bbm Fdim6 Ebm Ab2 Ab7 Db Whom Thou for-ev- er - more dost join in one.
Top657. O God, From Whom Mankind
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Top658. Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer
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Top659. May the Grace of Christ Our Savior
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Top660. Glory Be to the Father
Eb Bb7 Glory be to the Father, Eb Bb Eb and to the Son, Bb Eb Bb F7 Bb and to the Ho-ly Ghost; Eb Ab Eb Bb Bb7 As it was in the be-gin-ning, Ebsus Eb is now, and ever shall be, Bb7 Eb world without end. Fm Eb Bb7 Eb A-----men, A---men.
Eb Bb Eb Ab Eb Ab6 Bb7 Gm7 Eb Bb Holy, ho-ly, ho-ly, Holy is the Lord! Eb Bb Eb7 Ab Eb Ab6 Bb7 Gm7 Eb Holy, ho-ly, ho-ly, Holy is our God! Eb Bbm6 C Fm Bb7 Eb Bb He who always liv-eth, Ever-more the same Eb7 Db2 Eb7 Ab Eb Ab Fm7 Bb7 Eb Heav’n and earth He rul-eth, Come and praise His name!
Top662. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
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Top663. Amens
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Top664. Sevenfold Amen
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Top665. All Things Come of Thee
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Top666. Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord
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Top667. Lord, Bless Thy Word to Every Heart
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Bb F7 Bb Eb Bb C7 F7 Bb O Thou who hear-est ev-ery heart-felt prayer, Gm A A7 Dm G7 F C7 F With Thy rich grace, Lord, all our hearts pre-pare; F F7 Eb F Eb F7 Eb F7 Thou art our life, Thou art our love and light, Bb F7 Bb Eb Bb Eb Bb F7 Bb Eb Bb O let this Sabbath hour with Thee be bright. A- men.
Top669. The Lord Bless You and Keep You
C Dm7 G7 C The Lord bless you and keep you, Am Em Am G D G The Lord life His coun-te-nance up-on you, A7 D G7 C And give you peace, and give you peace; Dm7 G7 C C Fdim7 Am The Lord the Lord make His face to shine up-on you, F Am C C Dm7 C7 F And be gra- cious unto you, be gracious, C7 Fsus C7 A7 Dm7 C G G7 C The Lord be gra- cious, gra-cious un-to you. F C A-men. C Em7 F Dm C G Em Dm Am D G F C E7 Am Em |-x-x-x---|-x-x--x-|-x-x--x--|--x-x-x-|-x--x--x- Fmaj7 Dm Em7 A7 Dm Ddim7 C Cdim7 Dm7 G7 C |---x-x-x-|-x-x-x-|--x-----x-x-----|-x-x-x-|-x-x-x-
Top670. We Give Thee But Thine Own
G C D7 G We give Thee but Thine own, G7 C G Am A#dim6 Dsus D What-e’er the gift may be; G C D7 Em D G All that we have is Thine a-lone, G7 Am G D7 G A trust, O Lord, from Thee.
Top671. As We Come to You in Prayer
Db Ebm7 Now, Dear Lord, as we pray, Ab7 Db take our hearts and minds far away Bbm Ebm From the press of the world all around Ab Db to your throne where grace does abound. Gb Db May our lives be transformed by Your love, Bbm Eb7 Ab may our souls be re-freshed from above. Db Ebm7 At this moment, let people every-where Ab7 Db join us now as we come to You in prayer.
Top672. Spirit of the Living God
F Fmaj7 F7 Gm F Gm7 Spirit of the liv-ing God, F Bb C7 F Fall a-fresh on me! F Am7 F C7 F Bb Spirit of the liv-ing God, Gm Am C7 F Fall a-fresh on me! Bb F G7 Em C C7 Break me, melt me, mold me, fill me! F F7 D7 Gm Am Gm Spirit of the liv-ing God, F Bb D7 F Fall a-fresh on me!
Top673. May God Be With You
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A7 Dm Sha-lom, my friends, shalom, my friends Dm Gm Am7 Dm Sha-lom, sha-lom. Dm May peace be with you, God’s peace be with you. Dm Gm A7 Dm Sha-lom, sha-lom.
Top675. May the Lord Bless and Keep You
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Top676. Thy Word Is a Lantern
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Top677. Heavenly Father, to Thee We Pray
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Top678. God Be in My Head
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Top679. God Be in My Head
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Top680. Holy Spirit, Hear Us
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Top681. This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
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Top682. As You Have Promised, Lord
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Top683. Jesus, Stand Among Us
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Top684. Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
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Top685. Cause Me to Hear
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Top686. Bless Thou the Gifts
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Top687. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
F Bb F Gm F C The Lord is in His ho - ly tem-ple, F C F C7 F Bb F Bb F G7 C The Lord is in His ho-ly tem-ple, C F C7 Gm7 A Let all the earth be silent A7 Bb C F be silent be-fore Him.
G D Em D G7 Em7 Sure-ly, sure-ly the Lord has been here, D A7 Em D Em7 D Surely an-gels still lin-ger near; G D Em D Em7 Bdim6 I hear mu-sic soft on my ear, D G F#m Bsus7 B7 I feel His Spir-it, Em7 A A7 Em7 D I have no fear.
Top689. Day by Day, Dear Lord
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Top690. Dismiss Us, Lord With Blessing
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Top691. Lead Me, Lord
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I'll try to have them done within 48 hours.
Top692. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
Db Db Gb Db The Lord is in His holy tem - ple Db7 Db7 Gb Db7 The Lord is in His holy tem - ple Db7 Ebm F Let all the earth keep silence Gb Db Bb Gb Db Ab Ab7 Db Let all the earth keep silence be-fore Him Db Bbm Db Gb Ab Db Gb Db Keep silence, keep silence be-fore Him. A- men.
G C Am G D D7 Em D7 Cmaj7 D7 Al-might-y Fa-ther, hear our prayer, G G#dim7 A Am7 Dsus D7 G and bless all souls that wait be-fore Thee. C G A-men.
Top694. Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
G D Em Bm Em D G Praise God, from Whom all bless-ings flow; G D Em C G D Praise Him, all crea-tures here be-low; Em D G D G C D G Praise Him a-bove, ye heaven-ly host; G Em D Am G D G Praise Fa-ther, Son, and Ho-ly Ghost. C G (A-men.)
Top695. Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
G D Em Bm Em D G Praise God, from Whom all bless-ings flow; G D Em C G D Praise Him, all crea-tures here be-low; G D G D G C D G Praise Him a-bove, ye heaven-ly host; Bm Em Am G D G Praise Fa-ther, Son, and Ho-ly Ghost.