Brad Warden / Music / Hymn Chords
Hymn Chords
687. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
Added: 8 Jan 2021 | Transpose: [Down] [Up] | Capo fret: 1 | .cho file text | More Hymns | FaceBook PageE A E F#m E B
The Lord is in His ho - ly tem-ple,
E B E B7 E A E A E F#7 B
The Lord is in His ho-ly tem-ple,
B E B7 F#m7 G#
Let all the earth be silent
Ab7 A B E
be silent be-fore Him.
[[Full Lyrics]]
[Verse 1]
The Lord is in His holy temple,
The Lord is in His holy temple,
Let all the earth be silent
be silent before Him.