Brad Warden / Music / Hymn Chords

Hymn Chords

600. Hold Fast Till I Come

Added: 4 Sep 2021 | Transpose: [Down] [Up] | Capo fret: 11 | .cho file text | More Hymns | FaceBook Page

Gb            Db7 Gb      B   Gb     Db
Sweet promise is given to all who be-lieve—

Gb Db7 Gb Db Db7 Gb Db
“Be-hold I come quickly, Mine own to re-ceive;

Db7 Gb Db7 Gb B Gb Db
Hold fast till I come; the dan-ger is great;

Gb Db7 Abm Ebm B Db Db7 Gb
Sleep not as do oth-ers; be watchful, and wait.”

B F# C#7
“Hold fast till I come,” sweet pro-mise of heaven—

Gb Db7 Gb Db7 Gb
“The kingdom restored, to you shall be given.”

Db7 Gb Db Gb B Gb Db
“Come, enter My joy, sit down on the throne;

Gb Db7 Abm Ebm B Db Db7 Gb
Bright crowns are in wait-ing; hold fast till I come.”
[[Full Lyrics]] [Verse 1] Sweet promise is given to all who believe— “Behold I come quickly, Mine own to receive; Hold fast till I come; the danger is great; Sleep not as do others; be watchful, and wait.” [Refrain] “Hold fast till I come,” sweet promise of heaven— “The kingdom restored, to you shall be given.” “Come, enter My joy, sit down on the throne; Bright crowns are in waiting; hold fast till I come.” [Verse 2] We’ll “watch unto prayer” with lamps burning bright; He comes to all others a “thief in the night.” We know He is near, but know not the day— As spring shows that summer is not far away. [Verse 3] Yes! this is our hope, ’tis built on His word— The glorious appearing of Jesus, our Lord; Of promises all, it stands as the sum: “Behold I come quickly; hold fast till I come.”