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Hymn Chords

59. Great Our Joy as Now We Gather

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[[Full Lyrics]] [Verse 1] Great our joy as now we gather Where the Master makes us one: Where we worship God the Father Thro’ the Spirit of His Son. All who search for His church Find it where His will is done. [Verse 2] Precious is the tie that binds us To our God when faith grows cold; Precious all that now reminds us He is still our safe stronghold. Faithful love serves to prove Here the Shepherd has His fold. [Verse 3] May we learn from Christ’s example How to use this house of prayer: He who loved and cleansed His temple Wants us all to worship there. God the Son shuts out none: In His kingdom all may share. [Verse 4] Lord, inspire us with Your vision Of a world which must be won! Glorious is the church’s mission, Long endeavoured, scarce begun! Faithful now – this is how God’s eternal will is done.