Brad Warden / Music / Hymn Chords

Hymn Chords

391. Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest

Added: 3 Aug 2019 | Transpose: [Down] [Up] | Capo fret: 5 | .cho file text | More Hymns | FaceBook Page

D        A        Em7 A  D            A        Em7  A7   D
Welcome, welcome, day of rest, To the world in kind-ness given;
A F# Bm A E7 A D A G A7 D
Wel-come to this hum-ble breast, As the beaming light from heaven.
[[Full Lyrics]] [Verse 1] To the world in kindness given; Welcome to this humble breast, As the beaming light from heaven. [Verse 2] Day of calm and sweet repose, Gently now thy moments run; Balm to soothe our cares and woes, Till our labor here is done. [Verse 3] Holy day that most we prize, Day of solemn praise and prayer, Day to make the simple wise, O, how great thy blessings are! [Verse 4] Welcome, welcome, day of rest, With thy influence all divine; May thy hallowed hours be blessed to this waiting heart of mine.