{title:515. The Lord Is My Light}

[D7]The [G]Lord is my [D7]light; then why should I [G]fear?
By [C]day and by [G]night His presence is [D]near;
[D7]He [G]is my sal-[D7]vation from sorrow and [G]sin;
This [C]blessed per-[G]sua-[Em]sion [A7]the [G]Spi-[D7]rit bring [G]in.
[G]The Lord is my [D]light; my [G]joy and my [D]song;
[B]By day and by [Em]night He [A7]leads me a-[D]long;
[D7]The [G]Lord is my [D7]light, my joy and my [G]song;
By [C]day and by [G]night [Em]He [G]leads [D7]me a-[G]long.

# Reference: The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. Chords by https://bradwarden.com/music/hymnchords