ツウ, ツ, とお.る, とお.り, とお.り, どお.り, とお.す, とお.し, どお.し, かよ.う, とん, どうし, どおり, みち
traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
JLPT4 G2 S10 F80
As per 甬# (run through) + 辵 movement → run/*pass through*. The many extended meanings include *go back and forth* (to work, school etc.); *commute*; *attend a school*; *frequent* (a particular place); *run between two points*; *street*; *avenue*; *traffic*; *go/run through*; *pass*; *pierce*; *penetrate*; *drainage*; *ventilation* and *conduct*. Also, *cook/heat up food* (← pass food through heat); *look through/over* (← run the eyes over); *do continuously* (← run through); *pass* (a bill); *maintain* (a position) (← be consistent from start to finish ← run through); *understanding* (← know a subject from start to finish ← run through) → *be reasonable/logical*; *reputation*; *be well known* (← reputation for understanding). Further, *as expected* and *in accordance with* (← run in accordance with expectations), *be known as by* and *be regarded as* (← reputation), *accept/admit* (← admit the logic of an argument), *degree* (← degree of completeness ← run from start to finish), and *thus*(ly) (← run in accordance with logic/expectations).
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