フク, はっ, はつ, はら

clothing, admit, obey, discharge

JLPT4 G3 S8 F873

The relevant oracle bone form of ?features the same elements as , a hand + a person → spread a hand over another person's back. A bronzeware inscription form adds 舟 boat → spread boards in fashioning a boat. A seal inscription form replaces 舟 with flesh → *clothes* that spread over/*cling* to the body → *submit*; *obey* (← be closely attached to; compare ) → *accede* → *take (medicine) regularly* (← submit to/obey a doctor's prescription) → *counter* (for a dose of medicine/a smoke). Also, *be engaged in* and *be accustomed to*. In the derivative characters 菔 and 鵩, appears in slightly different forms.

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